MovieChat Forums > Godsend (2004) Discussion > i don't get it properly???? help please?

i don't get it properly???? help please?

i didn't get my many things about this film, but two parts in the film are i didn't get at all. the 1st one was when adam's in that shed and he's just about to hit his mom on the end with a axe, and the dad comes, how come adam responds when he says his name, but before he was responding to zachary. and the 2nd thing which is getting me is when the family move into a new house, adam looks in the cupboard, and then that hand grabs him. but after, he's perfectly normal?????? can you please help me out please?


Hmm I have given this movie a 2 score.. although the trailer lured me into buying this on dvd..I really regret this !
I don't get why the Zachary story comes in and isn't even explained.. it just even doesn't make sense.. how Zachary got into Adam.. Maybe too much deleting into editing.. anyway.. End was soooo disappointing;. Father appears after being deadly heart by de niro in a burning church.. Then Adam/Zachary disappears in the cupboard and re-appears.. hmmpf hmmpf hmmpf no sense.
Bad acting from Rebecca, Greg.. The only two ones are De Niro and the child,
but I can easily believe De Niro doesn't want this stinker on his résumé!
