Brooz, the answers:
No, they aren't the same, even after just a few minutes, they have very different developments.
We don't know the price of a cloning, and all 3 methods of payment will surely be used.
Yes, all rights apply to clones, but that isn't saying much, since if you murder them in the womb with a clone abortion, not much to having equal human rights - since there ain't no after birth timer.
No, the clone is not you. The clone has it's own identity, but you'll have a hard time convincing the clone you're an idiot. He doesn't own anything of yours, and neither do you of his, unless you're both commies because the democrats won for another 40 years. Of course then the state owns everything you can see as well, and can murder you both for being a mini-collective that might have more allegiance to eachother than to the state. ( sorry for the digression)
If you are cloned while still alive, all the above still applies. If religion is your hangup - don't worry, I'm sure God has an extra soul he can insert, hasn't run out at six billion plus, and since it was planned on before you were cloned, a long, long time ago, the fretting for own personal overblown ego of having some real competition and proving you're a failure once and for all when your clone surpasses you, and the fear of seeing more than a mirror tells you about yourself ( or who you might have been) is likely the true terror.