Just read the spoilers...
If you have ever read any of my other posts, you know that I am a big wimp and many things about films bother me so much that I can't watch them. I never saw this one because I can't handle the death of a child very well. But after reading all the stuff about the ending being stupid, I read the spoilers. When I saw the trailers, I thought the problem with Adam would be that once he reaches the time when the first Adam dies, he is plagued with issues because he feels that he has died, or his soul was not supposed to be around longer or something like that. I know people have said on here that it is dumb that they made the doctor's son in him too, which is most certainly is. There could easily be enough disfucntion in the fact that a child or any person, lives beyond their intended time not to muck up the story with a weird dueling personalities thing.