The title is the cleverest part of this film, by far .
P.S. My pedantic streak has me at gun point and is forcing me to point out that your use of "Ironically" may not be accurate.
For what it's worth, "ironically" is the the adverb meaning "in an ironic way or manner" and "ironic" is the adjective meaning "characterised by irony." However, "irony" is a noun that means "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect."
For example, if someone tips a barman five cents and the barman comments "Are you sure you want to tip that generously?" then he is (almost certainly) using irony and speaking ironically. (I took these definitions and adapted the example from the New Oxford American Dictionary.)
On the other hand, the same dictionary says that "ironically" may "denote a paradoxical, unexpected or coincidental situation" in which case your usage is fine. Personally, I think this second definition is too broad, because it admits situations that have nothing to do with ironic or anything ironic.
This takes me well off topic. My apologies for this rambling pedantry.