MovieChat Forums > Godsend (2004) Discussion > Ironically, this movie is a 'clone' of p...

Ironically, this movie is a 'clone' of previous horror/thrillers

Refried crapola is this one.
Most obvious are:
The scientist (complete with a smock, sheez) who is known by the protagonists for years before realizing how evil he is.
The standard horror ending that suggests, the nightmare isn't quite over yet.


Hmmm, there's another movie (based on a fairly decent novel) called "THE Godsend" which involves an evil girl doing similar things, but she's not a clone, the baby having been abandoned by the mother who had met the family previously, who supposedly does this all the time for some reason. I actually thought this was going to be somewhat of a remake, but it's too different from the previous movie of that shared title word. So the title isn't remotely original for this type of scenario either. In fact, I'm surprised they used it.


The title is the cleverest part of this film, by far .

P.S. My pedantic streak has me at gun point and is forcing me to point out that your use of "Ironically" may not be accurate.

For what it's worth, "ironically" is the the adverb meaning "in an ironic way or manner" and "ironic" is the adjective meaning "characterised by irony." However, "irony" is a noun that means "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect."

For example, if someone tips a barman five cents and the barman comments "Are you sure you want to tip that generously?" then he is (almost certainly) using irony and speaking ironically. (I took these definitions and adapted the example from the New Oxford American Dictionary.)

On the other hand, the same dictionary says that "ironically" may "denote a paradoxical, unexpected or coincidental situation" in which case your usage is fine. Personally, I think this second definition is too broad, because it admits situations that have nothing to do with ironic or anything ironic.

This takes me well off topic. My apologies for this rambling pedantry.


Yes, I've seen "THE Godsend," and it's much better than this. I guess the reused the title because no one remembers that other one. I hate when filmmakers recycle titles; (there are a lot of "Descents" and "Bad Companies" also. It is an evocative title, but a very disappointing film -- probably the worst one I've seen De Niro in.


wait a moment!

Godsend is not a clone of any films you've jotted down.

There are similarities to the films.

For example; how many movies were made about teenagers stalked by a serial killer, or about a woman who was raped or her husband is an abuser? They are not all clones to each other. the stories and plots have similarities.

Harpoon the human whales if they can't exercise and stop eating Pizza Hut and Lays Potato chips and Twinkies and eat fresh veggies and work out.
