MovieChat Forums > Godsend (2004) Discussion > Is this the most funny film ever?

Is this the most funny film ever?

My sides were splitting when I watched this film. It was just such a laughably bad film. It was poorly put together, the plot didn't make sense and the ending left a bad aftertaste. Robert De Niro (with legendary performances like Raging Bull and Taxi Driver under his belt) was appauling in this film, it was a shamefully bad performance on his part. There were a few creepy parts but, on the whole, this was just a outrageously bad film. What is everyone elses opinion?


I can't say more than that I apsolutely agree with you...


i would say that the exorcist is funnier then this


the exorcist is alot funnier, but also alot better too.


How is the exorsist funny!?!?! it scared the crap out of me and im 15


Man I couldn't agree more. I'm watchin' it right now on IFC and its just terrible.


I didn't find this film funny but I must concur that it was pretty bad and I couldn't help but scratch my head trying to figure out how they got De Niro to agree to appear in this. I seriously doubt if he needed the money...did he read the script before agreeing to do it? Did he owe the writer or one of the producers a favor? I don't get it. I once believed anything with De Niro in it was worth watching, but this movie made me rethink that theory.


The funny part was when Greg Kinnear was throwing De Niro around and threatening him. That really threw off all levels of suspension of disbelief.


When I saw this with my girlfriend, we were both in hysterics at the bathroom scene. I mean, a ghost who pulls curtains off the rails? What is it going to do next; leave the toilet seat up, or take the top off the toothpaste.

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this movie ate dirt it was so boring


haha yeah i really think they should put this movie in the category was so bad that i laughed my @ss of...i can't believe de niro took part in this film voluntarily, i guess they blackmailed him to do this or something...

*Paris:I was a little busy trying to get air to my brain cells, a burden you’ve not yet faced.*


what's even funnier is that this movie somehow cost $25M BAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAAAA

only explanation is De Niro got paid 24M


Funny? No. Dull? Yes.
