Fight between Souls
I wonder what you guys think about this theory.
First, Remove Zach from the equation, cos his being in it makes the already swiss-cheese plot even worse. Let's start simply.
If you believe that each body has a soul, and when a person dies under certain extreme circumstances, or simply had a very powerful personality in life, their spirit does not cross over to wherever the hell it's supposed to go, gets stuck in-between, and wanders as some knd of ghost. Then could this entire thing not just be explained as Adam1's ghost seeing his own body essentially alive agaian as Adam2? Adam1 (being the rightful owner) is lost, angry, alone and trying to get it back? Thus causing the apparent fight over control of Adam2's consciousness? Perhaps that is helped by the belief that God only "assigns" one soul per body, and cloning screw with some kind of divine rule, thue leaving the body open to be fought over by displaced wandering souls (those damn ghosts, again).
With the Zach bit added, that doesn't work so well, unless in the process of cloning and monitoring Adam2, the doctor performed some kind of genetic cognitive/memory creation, or even hypnotic suggestion to implant false memories or personality traits, in an attempt to save a small poart of his own child (Zach), which then goes horribly wrong.
Damn. You know it's a bad movie when nobody can come up with a likely, (much less believable) scenario for what the hell the writers were trying to accomplish here! :)
--------[fear the bitchy clone]-------