Frankly this show wasn't that good.

This show is like if they took the original as it was and just make overly serious. I mean almost none of the character have any real character development. Except for Evil Lyn. If your going take something Cheesy like He-man and take it seriously. You have to give the character more depth and make them more interesting. And Frankly they didn't do that. If want watch a great animated show with great character development. Watch Batman TAS or the greater DCEU.


What? They delve more into Teela background here and who she is, they have episodes truly devoted to each of the Masters and their backgrounds, They show Keldor becoming Skeletor. You don't know wtf you're talking about


Skeletor might have a backstory, But he really dosn't have any real motivation for what hes doing. Compare Skeletor to Mr Freeze and Magneto. Mr Freeze dose what he dose to save his wife. Magneto think Humanity is going do to Mutant. What the Nazi Did to the Jew. What Skeletor Motivation. What King Randor fucked up his face and kicked out the Kingdom, FUCKING LAME. The original already explored Teela Origins and it wasn't that much different than the 2002 episode. Unless you forgot the episode called Teela Triumph. The only character that had any real character development was Evil Lyn. She was always choosing between Skeletor and Her Father. She doubted Skeletor at times. She almost had a character arch when Skeletor Betrayed Her. She could have said, fuck this, im out. But now she just went back to being evil. That was fucking disappointing. This Show played it way too safe and really didn't take any risks. If i want to watch a Cartoon that takes itself seriously. Its got have more interesting characters in this. Batman the Animated Series, A show that came out 10 Years before this show came out. Makes this look like shit. People Praise it because it takes itself seriously and not much else. I think there reason the Original is more Ironic and more beloved by more people.


Dude Skeletor wants the power in Grayskull like he always has. And him being disfigured by Randor only adds to that

You're clueless dude
