the bodies - *spoiler*

So after Quaid found the girl's retainer & tooth, why didn't he think to continue digging in the same spot to find more? Who else thought that was strange? Then later the bodies were found in the Devil's Throat thing, but how many bodies were down there, Stone said "I saw them," so we know at least two. Just makes NO sense. Either all the bodies should've been there, or he should have dug up the girl's body in the front driveway.


I guess him not deciding to dig there was a plothole, which isn't rare in this movie. He said "I saw them." Meaning there could've been three, and there probably was. We know Dale threw all three down there.

All in all, I really don't understand your post. What's the question...?

I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! Don't touch my jar of dirt...


Ensiho, the question is, if he found the retainer and tooth in the driveway,why weren't the bodies THERE. And why didn't he continue to dig THERE? How did the tooth & retainer get there, but the bodies get to Devil's Throat?


he probably beat the daughter so the retainer with the teeth fell out or something then brought the bodies to the devils throat


I did't think that scene posed a question, but ok....

Like the last poster stated, it's not a goof. The viewer is automatically supposed to understand that it probably fell out of her mouth by being beaten on that spot, or being dragged across that area.
