Was anybody else expecting to watch a completely different film? The trailer showed the photos of dead people, wind blowing through the curtains, it looked like a fairly decent ghost story, similar to the Haunting.
It turned out to be a weak thriller with a boring plot and just seemed pointless in the end.
I thought i just misunderstood the trailer or something... At least I know it wasn't just me... That was a really lame move.. Must've figured out too late that the movie sucked so they had to trick people into thinkin it was a better movie to go watch it..
I saw the movie a couple of days ago, and was just wondering about the IMDB votes on it. I just watched the trailer, and indeed, it's very misleading. My theory is that one should try to avoid trailers, because it most often rips the heart out of a movie, or sometimes gives a complete false image of the film. I think this film has dissapointed a lot of viewers, because of the misleading trailer. Overall I thought the story to be a bit dissapointing (they could've taken the excitement a bit further), but on the other hand; the story had some realistic elements to it (a man very frustrated about a new family moving in to his house).
agreed. poor marketing cost this film. its not actually that bad for what it is, its still bad , just not that bad.
similar to Lost In Translation. they sold it as a comedy. so understandle people get disapointed that there arnt that many laughs. but again for what it was it was pretty good.
Sometimes misleading trailers can be quite good. Like, "I now pronounce you chuck and larry". It was a *beep* movie, but the trailer set it out to be grabbing for lots of teenagers and that to "lol at gays" but then the movie at the end tries to face homophobia and show it's repercussions.
The trailer there made it out to be something else so that teenagers would go and the director would hope they'd grow up or something.
I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose :(
The trailer is criminal. Period. I paid my ticket thinking I was going to see an obscure horror film about a family trapped in a haunted house. What I received was a drama about a conflict between the guy the government stole his house and the guy who bought it for a ridiculous price. The story is one I would expect to see in TV during a boring afternoon, not at the theater after paying 6 bucks. Heck, at least "House of Sand and Fog" had Gandhi, the American reporter of "Blood Diamond" and a dramatic tear-maker end, but this hasn't. I strongly think that this movie didn't deserve the money I gave for it.
I agree. Once I found out the family bought the property for a song, I didn't feel very sorry for them. Dale may have been a psycho, but I really wanted him to kill the interlopers, kids included.
Who knew the whiny little teenage girl would turn out to be a whiny older teenage girl lusting after vampires & werewolves just a few years later.