
Any else notice that this movie is really only 40 minutes long when you consider the first 30 minutes are from the first?

"Everybody be cool... you be cool" George Clooney as Seth Gecko in From Dusk Till Dawn


Exactly.......... 1 and 2 should of just been all on 1, but I thought a saw something in the recap that wasn't in the ending parts of the first. I will have to rewatch to see if I'm right or not......but yeah, I felt sort of cheated by this. Overall, the Juon series has been great, Is their a 5th one out or coming out?


exactly, i just watched it now for the first time and
the first half of Ju-on 2 is the last half of Ju-on 1...

well actually there is a sceen added where the son of the
reelestate agent sits in their new appartment(the appartment where the Schoolteacher previously lived), but apart from that the first halfhour
is from ju-on 1.

i have jet to see The Grudge 2 but this installment is the one
i liked the least


I really liked Ju on and how it is directed. It's a perfect example of what you can do with a low budget.

I almost got the feeling that the sequel is mostly outtakes from Ju on. I think that this second apartment story was suppose to be in the first movie. But it would have slowed down the story too much, or maybe they couldn't afford the special effects for it at that time. Then when Ju on became somewhat of an succes they took all the out takes, added some special effects, added the second kid and got only 40 minutes of film. That's my theory.


indeed, the special effects in this one(particullary in the appartment) are way more advanced then in the first moive. Ju-on 1 is great because of the long, slow build up and the eary, creepy feeling that is constantly present, even if the special effects are constrained to the lowbudget.

I really feel the new 40 min are somewhat rushed and there could have been a lot more to juon 2 but this one also in some sceen scare the holy hell out of me and here its rater the more advanced specials that is the reason for that, than the slow moving story in juon 1


I kept stopping it and comparing it the original Ju-on the Curse. Yeah, a good half hour, forty minutes of the same footage.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

