Do I have the right movie?
Can someone help me, I just brought Ju-on 2 and it doesn’t have anything from the first movie in the beginning. The movie starts off with a gut and his girl driving, talking about their upcoming wedding and the guy runs over a cat, he gets out to look and the girl opens her door and looks down and sees two white legs come running up to the cat. The man doesn’t see this so he gets back in and starts driving, the girl looks down and sees the ghost boy holding the wheel and they crash. In the hospital the doctors tell the girl that she lost her baby, she goes to the guy room and when she open’s the door she sees the ghost kid, he comes running up to her and touches her stomach. When she goes back to the doctor he tells her she didn’t lose the baby and she’s still pregnant. I had to stop it there but I’m going to finish it tonight. Reading what’s written here tells me that maybe I have a different version or it’s not part 2. Any help would be appreciated.