MovieChat Forums > The Brown Bunny (2003) Discussion > See for youself: Video clip + stills

See for youself: Video clip + stills

If it's not real, then that's the most realistic prosthetic penis I've seen.

You be the judge! (before this post gets deleted by the administrators!)



i dont get why he never takes his hand off. it looks suspiciously like he's holding something on. it does look real and everything but i just dunno. like when it's over look how careful he's being with it....



i just watched this movie and i am positive it was real.

"I lost something on the way to wherever I am today." ~Last Days


Seems like a waste to me. If you're going to have your hand on it the whole time you might as well be masturbating! Call me crazy but I prefer to have the woman do all the work. If you want to grab hold of something, try a fistful of her hair. ;)

Having his hand there the whole time leaves open the possibility of a prosthetic. They can look very real -- see the final scene of Boogie Nights.



You are all missing the point completely. Bud is holding himself because he actually is masturbating. Daisy is not really there except in his imagination.

The fact that several of you suggest he should be pulling her hair instead is pretty revealing. I'd say that those suggesting this are the true misogynists.


Thanks for posting this so I didn't have to...and besides, he has his pants on and he is holding it away from his zipper


It's very simple why he kept his hand there. It makes it look bigger than it really is. You put your hand around it and push down against your pelvis. Your fist is about 4" wide, so if you can actually force your hand into your pelvis really deep, like he did in this scene, the optical illusion makes he dick look about 8"-9", when in fact, it's more along the lines of a 6 incher.


the clip isn't working for me. when i press play, it just goes right to the end with the "repeat/share" buttons.

any other site i can see the clip? i've heard so much about gallo's penis, i want to judge for myself.


Aw, too bad. It seems there's some problem with their site. I can't find an alternative video clip. Why don't you try enlarging the picture collage...

If I find another link I'll let you know...




The oral sex is real. Chloe already admitted it and said "not a days go by I don't regret my decision". I feel badly for her I think she was mislead into believing it would be ok and she was signed with the biggest agency in hollywood and they dropped her the day the film was released. She is very lucky she still gets work.



"most of the movie-going public is so goddamn childish"

There's that lovely patronising and pompous attitude coming out yet again


and yet so right.



it's not a good film period

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king



This film was really bad with or without the BJ! Even Vincent thinks it is bad so there is no use trying to pretend that you are an intellect that gets this movie when everyone else is just to mainstream and stupid because this movie was just awful. Some people say it was a pretentious porn, but I have to disagree porn films are actually better.


wow ha


Haha, poor Chloë, she sucked a real cock for a movie that wasn't anything close to critically acclaimed.
She took a nut in the mouth for no good reason, she really was made out to be a sucker.
