question about the movie * spoilers * and why i liked this movie
what's with the real brown bunny at daisy's parent's home? how could a bunny live to be six years old, yet this was daisy's bunny? daisy looked about 28 in the film.
think clay knew daisy was hooked on drugs?
guess daisy acts just like meth addicts act, going to the bathroom all the time, wanting to drink, taking uppers or downers ("antibiotics"). she forgot to flush the toilet tho.
the 92 minute version i watched from netflix didn't have a rape scene.
when was it? was she a crack addict then? crackers will do anything for more of it.
some scenes had no sound, like on the race track. or is that just my netflix vid?
why i liked this movie:
there are scenes of driving, and "boring" shots:
they were artfully done. the way he frames them is a work of art.
how did he do the shower scene? that was great.
how all the women he was attracted to had plant names, and all looked sorta alike.
some men are that way. lead a woman on, then dump her.
reminds me so much of buffalo '66 in so many ways. many similarities of style and themes.
he's a hunk. he doesn't seem to act - he's just the way he is, and that's great!!
a real blow job scene, done just like a real woman does it! it wasn't porno, it was exactly the way it is done.
the meeting of daisy's parents was interesting. you can tell by the way the mother speaks she's scared of what happened to her baby. the father's movements were natural, didn't look like acting.
how he shows up at the bike repair shop, and they just do their job, little conversation. seems he's not into conversation.