I'm not even going to get into whether or not the individual comics in this film are personally racist. But the existence of this movie at all is racist based solely on the fact that it was immediately released as an All White alternative to the successful "Kings of Comedy" concert film. Honestly, it makes me sick.
why is a group of men who bascially talk about everyday stuff considered reacist? i mean there are tons of people out there who REALLY ARE racist. like the eddie murphy tour or richard pryor. i mean they say nothing mean about anyone. i mean if i can watch some one talk racist about whites, then why is it so wrong to have a white comedian who says nothing racist?!?!?!
Is the Kings of Comedy not an all-black thing? therefore being racist in of itself?
Is there not a black miss America ceramony? Now, I know for a fact that black women can compete in Miss America, so to have a contest soley for black people is racist.
The BCCT guys are just friends who put on a show, Foxworthy didn't hold auditions and say "Ok, I'll have you, you, whoa there dark skin, where d'ya think you're going?".
The fact that you're accusing them of racism means you're either
A: A victim of racial predujice yourself and have gone on hyper sensitive alert
B: You're some college/university chick who can't get laid and must fight for a bunch of causes that have nothing to do with you.
Why the hell does everyone consider stuff racist. It's not. GET OVER IT!!! People nowadays take the slightest racial thing and say it's racist. Toughen up and do us a favor and discuss something that is worth discussing.
the problem is, people don't actually know what is and what isn't racist.
Racist: someone who discrimnates based on a person's race.
Therefore, in actuality, the MOBO's are racist. Miss Black America is racist.
I just find it hysterical that if there were to be a Miss White America, the black community (and the college do-gooders whom is doesn't concern) would get their little panties all in a twist.
Everyone keeps banging on about equality, but they don't know what the frigg equality is.
Just because someone threw a crap on your happy parade one day don't give you the right to call somone racist especially if you have no evidence proving wheteher or not they are so I'd would go running you mouth talking about people you don't know it sounds like you really hate Jeff Foxworthy and that's the problem it's slander and you could be sued
I like how you said Blue Collar Comedy Tour was racist, when the Kings of Comedy are just as racist, if not more.
Actually, I'd like to point out that pretty much EVERY black comedian is racist.
"Black peoples is like this: *yada yada yada*. See, white peoples is like this: *complete opposite* What's up with that?"
Just about EVERY black comedian does that ****. Richard Prior. Dave Chapelle. The "Kings" of Comedy. Chris Rock. Eddie Murphey. These losers have to spout obscene words, like the N-word and the f-bomb in order to be successful. And the black WOMEN comedians are worse than the black males! They need to watch their filthy ****ing mouths.
The only black comedian I don't see ever doing this is Bill Cosby, which is why he's my favorite back comedian.
Just because the white race's ancestors kidnapped the blacks from their country and forced them to pick seeds out of their cotton, that doesn't mean hundreds of years later they need to be spouting racial slurs on stage like they have the right.
I'd also like for them to stop calling us white people "crackers". Ok, we can't say the n-word. Don't YOU say "cracker" to us. That's now our word. Don't like it? Get lost.
I really don't see how this is racist and I don't think this was an answer to the kings of comedy tour for white people. People are so hyper-senstive to racism that it seems no one can make a comment or do something without a label being slapped on it. Why is it so Offensive to black people if a bunch of white guys do a stand up movie. If anything, your comment smacked of racism. why can't white men do a comedy movie?
Okay, back on topic..... how in the hell is BCCT racist? If anyone should be mad, it sould be the southern rednecks. They are the ones taking the hits and being made fun of. But yet, we laugh at it. I have never once heard Jeff say a racists remark about a black person. I have a sister in law that is just like the white trash on there and needs to have her trailer on the redneck yard of the week. She is actually going to send in a photo. She doesn't get offended.
BCCT is doing to the rednecks that Kings does to the blacks.
I swear, every movie on this board has a post titled Racist. I am waiting to see one on Bambi.
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics"
And I thought I was having a stupid argument with my mother, who doesn't like Larry the Cable guy when he makes fun of everybody, particularly the hair lips. She said it's just the same as if he were making a racial joke, and I say that's just ridiculous...and the strangest part of all is that the one guy she really doesn't like is Ron White, but she never has anything to say about WHY she doesn't like his jokes.
This thread topic reminds me of this thing we had at school called the 'Film Festival'. Well, on one of the student-made videos, a white kid did something stupid so, for a laugh, this African American kid in the video says 'stupid white people'. The whole audience started bursting out laughing (especially the African American kids). Well, what if, istead of that person and line, there'd have been a white kid saying 'Stupid black people'? I can assure you that there wouldn't be any laughing in that auditorium.
JESUS SAVES...he passes it to Kobe...Kobe shoots...he scores!
Somebody should issue a statement to the tune of, "If you don't shoot yourself, you hate black people." That ought to go some way towards getting rid of these whiny little douche bags.
Okay, back on topic..... how in the hell is BCCT racist? If anyone should be mad, it sould be the southern rednecks. They are the ones taking the hits and being made fun of. But yet, we laugh at it. I have never once heard Jeff say a racists remark about a black person. I have a sister in law that is just like the white trash on there and needs to have her trailer on the redneck yard of the week. She is actually going to send in a photo. She doesn't get offended.
BCCT is doing to the rednecks that Kings does to the blacks.
I swear, every movie on this board has a post titled Racist. I am waiting to see one on Bambi.
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics"
Why should the "rednecks" be angry ? "Rednecks" are making these jokes.