Random stuff I have to say about this movie
To the people who saw this movie in the theatres: How much people were there? I went to a 10:25 (P.M) showing of this on opening night (meaning yesterday) and I made a count of people other than me: 9 . If this is any indication of how this movie is doing (which I suspect it is: this theatre is always jam-packed on movies that are in their first few weeks of their run), it's going to bomb terribly. It is sad that the producers whole "get massive amounts of black people to come to this movie by overadvertising the fact that the plot revovles around rap music" failed. But then again, Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett aren't exactly black-culture icons.
The first maybe 30 minutes of this movie were some of the most boring minutes of my life. My brother turned to me and asked "Who writes this stuff?" during the scene in which Ford accuses Hartnett of being gay. It, of course, put a big grin on my face when Ford said the same line in the scene where Harnett is making him read "A Streetcar Named Desire."
After the 30 minute mark, the movie had me in stitches. The interrogation scene as well as the chase seen were both hilarious. Of course, the movie also relied on too many cliches: black guy (Kurupt) saying that he is going to get Johnny Cochrane on them; black guy (Kurupt) complaining of police brutality when Ford catches him. I thank G-d that this movie did not involve either of the main characters acting black for comedic effect. I couldn't have taken that.
The movies slow start can, fortunately, be forgiven by me.