3 observations about the suckiness of this movie
I'm watching this movie right now and I am making three observances other than the obvious one that this movie sucks...
1. Josh Hartnett is a bad actor...he sucks...he was not a good cast for the character. UPDATE: At the end of the movie he does a good job acting like a bad actor, kudos
2. I do not want to see anyone over the age of 40 do freaky stuff in bed in any movie. It is not sexy, it is gross. TAKE OFF THE BLINDFOLD AND STEP AWAY FROM THE BED HARRISON!
3. Over a period of 10 minutes, Harrison Ford's cell phone has rang at least a dozen times in the movie with the most annoying ring tone ever. IT IS SO DAMN ANNOYING! It's bad enough hearing people's annoying cell phones ringing when I'm at Wal-mart/library/church/etc., I do not want to hear a cell phone ring more than twice in a 90 minute movie, that is my rule. Yeah, and at least have a polyphonic ringtone at that, none of this lame Do..der....do....do...do...der crap! UPDATE: At the end Hartnetts phone rings a monophonic crappy "Funkytown" followed up with Ford's lame ring again!
UPDATE:Hooray, It's over!