Is Harrison a good actor?

There are lots of emotions here on the board (look at post: Harrison hates automobiles, started by celticjanitor) as it should be. These people (read: actors) have a huge impact on most peoples lives in one way or another. Harrison ford (or Steven Segal for that matter) being no exception. Take myself as an example, being born in the early 70's I grew up with Luke and Han Solo action figures, and my "Millennium Falcon" was the envy of the neighbourhood kids.

I lived for the Star Wars trilogy (I'm not really into the whole *new* episodes I-III “thing” where the magic seems to have been replaced with political issues that makes The West Wing look like Ally Mc Beal - pheew I wondered where I could sneak in a Calista reference - AND enough crappy CG-characters that make the Hulk look like - well name any CG character made by PIXAR PS! Finding Nemo is fantastic! I think it is the best movie of the year so far)

Sorry, I'll get back to my point!, as I was saying; I lived for Star Wars when I was a child, when I grew a bit older Indy became my whip-equipped hero, and as an adult (having returned to a film I didn't quite understand as a child) now, my all time favourite film is Bladerunner! It's hard to explain why, but if I had to sum it up, it's really all due to the incredible atmosphere or "feel" of the movie if you like. Of course the story is also close to perfect (Director's Cut of course - where the unicorn at the end suggests that "they" knew about his dream- thus making Harrison's character also an android). This is of course well known and all that- but it has to be mentioned to clear up any misunderstandings of which version of Bladerunner I love and why.

Of course there are many, many other reasons, mostly emotional ones - but then again - movies are for me about emotions. It's how they make me feel that matters. Which leads me to my next and main point?
YES, I think Harrison was a good actor in those movies. I really think that he added some of the *magic* in collaboration of course with the most excellent production-team/directors etc. BUT, I think it all ends there! Except from "Last Crusade" (1989) I don't think he has made a good performance (or movie if you want) since "Witness" (1985) and that's a LONG time and MANY a poor movie ago.

I'm not going to dissect his film-career since the mid-eighties here, but I just wanted to say that I think he lost the *magic* - choosing his "politically correct" and oh-so boring roles - that does nothing,nada,zip for me emotionally. I think this is sad, I do! I think he has wasted a great talent! I will always love Harrison Ford for bringing moments of magic into my life, but NO, I don't think he's a good actor anymore... and I fear he'll never be again.


I agree that Ford's work has turned from the inspired iconic perfomances of his early movies to mainly 'worthy' but ultimately dour and turgid dramas. There is something suspicious about someone so completely eschewing lighter roles for ones with gravitas, as if he fears being judged a trivial man; but the comic touch and roguish charisma of Han Solo and Indiana Jones do not betray shallowness. Rather, as Confucius said, 'It takes a fully mature man to act with true childishness of heart; the immature man shuns levity as if it were the clothing of a girl".



Anybody else???


Definitely a guy with limited abilities and typecast into action/thriller roles. He could get involved in some European films, like Frantic and steer clear of these Hollywood turkeys.


Short question, even shorter answer: NO (and he is even getting worse with time!).

Sylvester Stallone at least tried to act here and there, Ford no. Which does not mean he could, but the movies ha made in the last 10 years are all trash, some worse, some less, but still trash in the sense of not worth seeing. Probably he himself has realized that, so why bother.

He is unf. going the "Charles Bronson-way", no efforts, relatively cheap movies, soon forgotten ... still he gets good money for them, so fine for him. :-)


Ford has good films and not so good films, and in my opinion he is a good actor.


I perfectly understand what you mean. My opinion is that he should give up doing action movies and start acting in hm dramas.
But the magic you've mentioned - I felt parts of it in "Frantic" and in "The Fugitive" also, after "Witness".


He certainly is. If you haven't seen them check out "The Mosquito Coast" or the aforementioned "Frantic" and thou shalt see. You might not like the movies but there is no denying Mr. Ford is fantastic in them.

"How'd ya know my name was Mac?" - Mac
