no wonder he can't hit anything...
shooting right handed with his left eye...
~When That Rope Starts To Pull Tight, You Can Feel The Devil Bite Your Ass~
shooting right handed with his left eye...
~When That Rope Starts To Pull Tight, You Can Feel The Devil Bite Your Ass~
lol i noticed he did ok when he was practicing at the end, with both eyes open...for some reason i'm picky about anything with guns because hollywood always messes it up...
~When That Rope Starts To Pull Tight, You Can Feel The Devil Bite Your Ass~
Harrison's an awful shot and Josh is `disturbingly` good. But Josh can't drive to save his life. Literally.
OK, that was the director's comment?
Love Josh? Love fanhost!
When I was watching Harrison on late night back when this movie came out he mentioned that Josh hit a police car or something because he forgot it was supposed to be around the corner. Harrison said that Josh had his own version for what happened like the car "jumped out" at him and what not. It's a funny little tidbit that Harrison mentioned, but--I still don't know about the commentary. I hadn't even figured to watch it with the commentary on it. I think I'll go do that--I this movie.
"I waited and waited.. I done ran out of patience."- Rick Ross
the eye your shoot with has no effect on your shooting hand. Everyone has a strong eye. Some people can use either one. I am right handed, and my left eye is my strong eye. I'm a police cadet so I know how shooting actually works. Hold your finger at arms length in front of your face while looking towards a wall, then close each eye individually. Which ever you close, and your finger doesn't move, that is your strong eye.
you can either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain
yah im right handed with my left eye dominant...
~When That Rope Starts To Pull Tight, You Can Feel The Devil Bite Your Ass~
More than a few people shoot opposite eye than their dominant hand, I know, I'm one of them. I shoot pistols right handed and long guns left handed simply because my left eye is dominant for shooting. Ocular or cross eye dominance is the term.
Doesn't affect shooting if you practice, just as shooting weaver stance or slitly profile doesn't affect shooting.