MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House (2002) Discussion > 3 reasons HA4 is MUCH better than the fi...

3 reasons HA4 is MUCH better than the first 3

A: Kevin is never truly 'home alone', which is great! No child should EVER be left alone! He always has a reliable adult around in case he runs into dangers, which sets a good example for parents and children, unlike the other Home Alone movies.

2: It's not gratuitously violent like the others. Violence is bad and kids should never harm others, even if they are 'bad-guy' robbers. Although I didn't approve of the damage he did to the nice house, I am glad all of the 'traps' just consisted of either spraying people with water or closing doors (albeit rudely) in faces. It was very entertaining!

D: The actors were great! They were _real_ people. Not a bunch of fake 'professionals'. French Steward could really squint his eyes hard and make funny faces, and I could really picture my retarded nephew playing the role of Kevin-- it was just _that_ real!


No joke, that was the most retarded thing I have ever read. I'm not just saying this off the cuff.. no joke, the stupidest thing I have ever read. There are too many things wrong with those three points that there is no point going over them....but when I finished reading it I died a little inside.


'No joke, that was the most retarded thing I have ever read. I'm not just saying this off the cuff.. no joke, the stupidest thing I have ever read. There are too many things wrong with those three points that there is no point going over them....but when I finished reading it I died a little inside.'
This is the first time i have EVER actually Laughed My A$$ OFF. This has to be the most hilarious reply to a stupid comment i have ever read.
Bravo mate BRAVO

NATHAN GAMBLE is a little GENIUS and i want him as my little brother.



Your head


I think he’s being sarcastic hence the A, 2, D.


I absolutely hope, plead, and pray that this post was in absolute jest. "...gratuitously violent" Seriously?! Those scenes were brilliant sight gags no different than the vaudvillian devices that inspired them. I am also in awe as the previous post remarks. That post simply cannot be real.


When someone numbers their points up with A, 2 and D it's hard to take it serious, I think the OP is just screwing around


He was referencing Home Alone 1. Buzz was listing the reasons why Kevin was fine at home by himself and said "A,2, and D."

But I agree. The poster isn't serious.


That is bullsh!t, you are basing your opinion simply on the fact that it's the most modern and the newest.


Dude. The OP was being totally sarcastic. Chillax, man.

Know what I mean, know what I mean, nudge nudge, nudge nudge, say no more?


Lol.. as if people take this so seriously..
Love your sig btw :) Monty Python ftw

For those who want to believe no proof is needed. For those who cant believe no evidence is enough


lol, wow.

Why would God do this to us? And cause such a topic to be born? Why?

How about 3 reasons HA4 came from hell.


Here's why it's from hell:

1. The returning characters look different.
2. The plot was poorly written.
3. French Stewart was the worst Marv.
4. It looks cheap and cheesy.




After actually watching the film, unlike many of the scrublords posting, I can honestly agree with every one of the points listed.

Sure you can try and sit through boring movies like the godfather or lord of the rings, but really all you need a good morale and kinship which this film brings. France Stewart, who I believe is the brother of the late Sir Patrick Stewart can pull of a comedic role unlike I have ever seen.

Don't bash it until you experience it.


I hope this poster isn't being serious if they are they must be 9 or youunger how the hell can an adult enjoy this unfunny no fun garbage and please the acting was HORRIBLE. Their is actully some great actors from the first two Joe Pesci, John Heard, Catharine O'Hara and Macaulay Culkin. Sure this film might not have some violence but the point is the violence in the first three are suppose to be comical and they are.

1.Home Alone 2
2.Home Alone

1.Home Alone

1.Home Alone 4



The REAL idiots here are the ones taking the first poster seriously. His sarcasm was EXTREMELY obvious, and in my opinion quite funny. I'm actually sad people are moron enough to believe anything they read.


^ I agree, haha I was laughing when reading that. Of course it was a joke! French Stewart and his squnting etc.. jeez! you'd think people could sense sarcasm that obvious. XD


the OP is either being sarcastic or he is sadly PC.

Also you don't refer to somebody as retarded that's just very rude and wrong


Whatever you were smoking on aug 2 2010 I want some of it!


I totally agree, it's a far more family friendly film as a result.


I am laughing my arse off at the first comment! BETTER THAT THE FIRST THREE?! You imbecile! Plus, this guy is trying to be all smart by putting the list as 'A, 2 and D'! You are a fail, dude. You probably fail more than this film.


Seriously, could the sarcasm have been any more obvious?
Just what is wrong with someone's brain that they can read the original post and NOT realize its sarcastic. I don't mean it in an internet kind of way, but those people are genuinely stupid.
