MovieChat Forums > The Dust Factory (2010) Discussion > Good rating, but is the film any good?

Good rating, but is the film any good?

I've been hesitant about renting this, is it really that good?

Get your poison tongue out of my ear. -HARVEY DANGER



Don't expect too much from it, it's probably one of the slowest films I've seen, and it bored my mum and nanna to sleep. Ryan kelley is good, and I'm not dissing the film because I'm a hater or anything, I even own Ryan Kelley's Site - Ryan Kelley Forever,, and I really dislike the movie. but go see it, just don't have any high hopes, then there's a great chance of you falling from a long way up.


I really enjoyed the movie! I was expecting it to be kind of slow and fantasy like.. and thats what it was. There were some really sad parts that made me cry and other parts that i found really interesting.. about fear and stuff.. There are a lot of symbol's and significance of things if you look close. I would deffinetly rent it again, but if action movies are your thing then maybe it isn't for you. Great movie though!


I really hated the movie. It was stupid and the acting was really silly. They picked a really immature plot for such a delicate subject. Plus, the graphics weren't at all great.


heres my opinion:
This movie is the most dreadful movie known to man-kind.

The movie jumped around and left you confused. The plot was forced, and
barely ever made sense.

The acting was horrible. No real emotions whatsoever. Everything seemed

Whoever directed this movie should NEVER get to direct again. Because
if his/her movies are anything like this one, they should be put to
shame and kicked out of Hollywood.

If you go a lifetime without seeing this movie, it will probably be the
best thing that happens to you.

"Hey! Where did you get those clothes? At the toilet store?" -Brick Tamland, Anchorman


You sound like a very shallow person, with no depth whatsoever, and you are missing the true meaning of the movie. I'll let you figure it out for yourself, perhaps when you are older, and wiser, you will understand it. Meanwhile, your post is useless,, since you seem to be in the vast minority here. Could it be that you just cant understand it?


I watched this movie only because it was at rasputin and was liek 4 bucks but i liked it it was intresting...if you can find it for cheap rent it whats the harm?



Honestly folks this movie should never ever been made.Like many have reported here it is exremely slow and boring.To top it off,and I love Armin Mueller-Stahl who played grandpa,but this was definitely not his film.Couldn't understand a damn word he said.Absolutely loved him in "The House Of Spirits" and "Power Of One".

I recorded this off cable this morning thinking it promised some deep mystical message and special effects.What a disappointment.A high school audio visual crafts class could top this easily.

Sadly the best thing about it was the beautiful boy and girl duet sung at the end during rolling credits.


Wow.... y'all are some mad a** haters... I think this movie was cute- not my type, more of a family type like disney- but it was still a lot better than any of you cracker jacks give it credit for.
