Matriculated question

I thought this story was the more interesting of them all. Not necessarily the story they tell here, but the concept the bring to the table the Zionists would actually do something like try to reteach machines to help them.

My question has to do with the ending. When she realizes that all the humans are dead and the machine plugged them back into the construct, she went hysterical and seemed to fade away. The robot sees this and fades away himself. What exactly do you think happened here? Did they kill themselves?


I think she was mainly just disoriented and overall horrified by what had just happened to her, and then she succumbed to her wounds.

The machines survives but then just goes to sit forlorn on the beach.

/I bring you Sooth/



"I think she was mainly just disoriented and overall horrified by what had just happened to her, and then she succumbed to her wounds."

That's how I see it, and then the machine goes and cremates her on the beach. I imagine that flame on the beach is her pyre.

What I DO want to know is what part the tapir played in the whole thing exactly?

I'm bringing Afroback!!! Unlike most boys, I can't wear a hat!



Earlier in the story she says she couldn't survive in the matrix after learning the truth. She chose to die.
