MovieChat Forums > The Animatrix (2003) Discussion > The Second Renaissance Scare Anyone Else...

The Second Renaissance Scare Anyone Else?

Saw this when it first came to DVD, so I was either 23 or 24, but man was it scary to anyone else?



I was 22 when i got it on dvd. I saw it again today, and I am trying to figure out why its so dang disturbing. I think part of it was the feeling of hopelessness to the robot's. They captured that well. I am still trying to figure it out though. But I hear you buddy.


It's disturbing because they were inspired by real atrocities humans have committed against themselves. They then applied that to robots, and made them human-like so we empathized with them.


Some were inspired but most not. The ending with the machines winning and taking over still gives me chills.


i know what you mean. i feel like if we ever create artificial intelligence like that there is a good chance that something similar to this will happen. i hope that if that happens, we dont treat them like *beep* like the humans in the second renaissance episodes did. we probably will though.

think for yourself



The Second Renaissance Part 2 definitely scared me. I still think what would happen if a person gained access to the Zion archives, how would they react. I was nearly put into shock over an animated film. I get scared when I think that this could happen.


HOLY CRAP YES! No exaggeration, it messed me up for a couple of days. The only other thing to have ever done that was the teaser trailer to Quake 4. I think it's because of two things. First, you have the incredibly disturbing subject matter: humanity's downfall, technological singularity, a bleak future, loss of free will, human experimentation, war, pain, torture. You also just have the visuals. It seems there is something about anime (the colors, facial expressions, etc.) that, to me at least, make it even more disturbing than similar violence in movies and video games.
