SPOILER Why did they keep Pita alive through all the bloodshed?
that is MY burning question ... there was nothing left to gain by keeping her alive .... just an odd point.
sharethat is MY burning question ... there was nothing left to gain by keeping her alive .... just an odd point.
shareHollywood likes happy endings.
In the original novel she is found dead, suffocated with her own vomit, and she was repeatedly raped by her captors.
Creasy makes it his life's mission to avenge her.
The GREATEST ally and BEST friend of christianity throughout history is Satan
Ah ha - now THAT makes sense - since I've gotten older it is increasingly hard to read books except using Kindle - I should have tried to read it first ... I can EASILY understand his reaction now. Thanks for the back story. btw do you know what I might have done wrong in my posting? I got a warning from IMDB and don't want to lose my right to post ... is there a way to annotate SPOILERS that I don't know about or understand?
Thanks again!!!! You have been a big help and IMDB "friend".
Atlanta GA
Well, just don't put the spoiler in the title, because everyone can read it. And when you put it inside the thread, you can use:
[ spoiler]-insert comment-[ /spoiler] (without the space in the brackets)
It will look like this
-insert comment-
The GREATEST ally and BEST friend of christianity throughout history is Satan
Oh my, that's horrific!