MovieChat Forums > Man on Fire (2004) Discussion > Our "hero" is worse then the bad guys

Our "hero" is worse then the bad guys

Anyone else get a little fed up with Creasy's torture and murders? The guy tortures people for information and then kills them even when they tell him what he wants to know.

There's also the part where he pushes Pita's father to kill himself. Yeah I know he was a scumbag who was in on the kidnapping, but why not just get him arrested now that the truth is out? Instead he does everything he can to deprive Pita of a father. Way to show your dedication to the kid there, Creasy.

By the end of the film, I was rooting for the bad guys to kill Creasy. Really, he wasn't any different then they were, the only difference was we were supposed to put up with his atrocities on grounds of being the protagonist.


Creasy thought Pita was DEAD. So he didn't leave her without a father by making him kill himself.

You were rooting for the kidnappers who as we all thought during the movie kidnapped and killed the lil girl..........Wow, That's pretty ridiculous.


Whoever said Creasy was supposed to be "our hero"??

Things aren't always so neatly defined, like the good guys always wear the white hat, and the bad guys always wear the black hat. WHo said Creasy was a good man?? Why do you need a definitive "good guy"...and a definitive "bad guy" in your stories? It's time to grow up.

Creasy was a tortured man, with many demons. And he loved that little girl. And he did terrible, extreme things to get her back. The end.

Whoever said Ceasy was supposed to be our hero??


Well, the fact that they were all involved in one way or another with a bunch of people trying to murder him and cover up a kidnapping, I'd say it's justified.


Maybe the OP does not understand the difference between good and evil.

The "poor criminals" that you root for routinely kidnap children, killing whoever they need to in the process. Their blase attitude about it only makes it worse. The police are complicit at the highest levels.

Creasy's goal is not to have them arrested (not going to happen) but to destroy this entire enterprise. He means to deliver justice the only way possible.

A lot of the movie is realistic. I don't think there are any real life Creasys though.


Bleeding heart snowflakes like you are the reason people spend a few years in prison and then are released only to ruin more families by rape/murder/kidnapping, etc.

It happens all the time. Watch a few serial killer documentaries and see just how many of them should have been jailed for life for early atrocities, but were released only to kill several more people. That's on people like who you can't handle making the hard choices to keep animals locked up or put away. 40% of criminals who murder someone with a firearm in Chicago have prior gun charges. Bleeding hearts like you want to treat them nice and give them a second chance, and more than 1 in 3 end up ruining more lives and families.

You treat scum like scum. It's a cruel world but the safety of innocents is worth more than the freedom and comfort of those who don't deserve a second chance.


You must be one of those bleeding heart Liberals.


That's how it was in the source novel by AJ Quinnell, so I don't see how it would be different in an adaptation. Creasy wouldn't be Creasy anymore.


That was kind of the point of the movie, his rage was turning him into an evil person but he redeemed himself at the end by giving his life for Pita


He's a black man what did you expect?
I suggest you read up on tropes.
