MovieChat Forums > Coraline (2009) Discussion > Eye and hair color questions

Eye and hair color questions

In the movie, Coraline had blue hair, and amber-brown eyes. The book cover looks like plain brown hair and black dots for irises.

Did the book specify a hair or eye color?

Is she being made into a goth, or pseudo goth, in the film, or is that from the book?

Why did she say the blue boy, at 12:14, was boring? Was it Because he had blond hair and blue eyes? Or was it because he was a rich kid in a sailor suit. Is the blue boy from the book?
What is the significance of the blue boy paintings? The other world one was happier, and had a restored ice cream cone, but his eyes were not buttons? Why not?

Is there a goth agenda here against blue-eyed blonds? If so, is it from the film or book?

Would Coraline the film have worked better with some other eye color? I kept thinking maybe green, to go with the blue hair, or black for more gothic.
The story is king.


Note about the blue boy painting: it seemed to be serving as an indicator of which world Coraline was in, by the position of the ice cream in the picture.

The story is king.


Are you being serious? Or just being funny? If serious, then that is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard of. Of course there is no "agenda" against blue-eyed blondes! The only reason why she called him boring is because he dropped his ice cream cone and looked sad. It doesn't matter what his physical appearance would be. And how is wearing a sailor suit make him rich? Why would anyone have an agenda against the way someone simply looks? And also, there are LOT'S of blonde haired people who are Goths. And LOT'S of blonde haired people don't have blue eyes. Every human is unique. It was simply a coincidence that she saw him and randomly thought he was boring. But she would have said that about ANYONE. She was just in a very bad mood that day after all.


Sailor suits in tradition:

And we'd know he's rich because he's in an oil painting. Poor people did not have oil paintings made of their children.

You've pretty much claimed that there is no ethnic prejudice, or appearance envy, in the world, and that It's ridiculous to think there is, is that right?

As for the widespread phenomenon of people torturing and mutilating their Barbie Dolls, it would have nothing to do with the way she looks. Then is it the name "Barbie"--something about the sight of those six letters--or is it the sound of the two syllables, "Bar-bie", that triggers sadistic violence?

Blond Goth's? What's that got to do with anything?

He's boring because he dropped his ice cream? There's some logic there that's beyond me.
The story is king.


You are overthinking this. Coraline was in a bad mood and literally everything in her house was boring to her at that point.


Lmao, this.
