Eye and hair color questions
In the movie, Coraline had blue hair, and amber-brown eyes. The book cover looks like plain brown hair and black dots for irises.
Did the book specify a hair or eye color?
Is she being made into a goth, or pseudo goth, in the film, or is that from the book?
Why did she say the blue boy, at 12:14, was boring? Was it Because he had blond hair and blue eyes? Or was it because he was a rich kid in a sailor suit. Is the blue boy from the book?
What is the significance of the blue boy paintings? The other world one was happier, and had a restored ice cream cone, but his eyes were not buttons? Why not?
Is there a goth agenda here against blue-eyed blonds? If so, is it from the film or book?
Would Coraline the film have worked better with some other eye color? I kept thinking maybe green, to go with the blue hair, or black for more gothic.
The story is king.