tremors vore

did anyone like tremors the series because of the vore content?


nope, but I learned a new word there!


I couldn't find the definition in two dictionaries or a slang dictionary. What does "vore" mean?


lol, yer in for a world of weird now....



From Urban Dictionary:

1. Vore

The shortening of the word 'voraphilia' which means basically 'the love of being swallowed'. A vore is technically a person who enjoys being eaten or the act of eating someone else. Vore is purely fantasy... considering it is impossible to do in reality. At times vore is sexual in nature and includes bloody tearing of flesh. Most people who are vores see it as a fetish and have been fantasizing about it since they were very young.

Pinocchio-When the whale swallows Pinocchio, or even better an example
Finding Nemo- When Dori and Marlin are swallowed by the friendly whale who then releases them.


LOL!! and here i thought it was a typo for gore. ha. i was way off.

I see CG! no really i see most if not all CG stuff in movies!
