Mix Master

If the show had continued what kind of mix-master creatures would you have liked or wanted to see in the future?.
And would you have loved it if they showed the lab once in an episode?.


I think that mix-master was used because the creators couldn't come up with enough stories for graboids and their offspring. It always seemed a little weak.

That being said, a graboid mutation may have been interesting.


graboid eats a freakishly large mixmastered spiderthingiesomething, and then mutates itself =P


I'm pretty sure they could have come up with an interesting theme for at least two more seasons. There are so many weird things in nature that have yet not been explored. Think about the Loch Ness Monster, how many decades have we not been fascinated by that monster. How many have not tryed to chase that one down, how many documentaries have not been made.

I'm sure they could have found more than sufficient material to keep the actors chasing and the audience watching.


I want flying graboids, i dont think burts place would be safe then. Then in Tremors 5 we will see him with a Anti-Flying-Graboid barrier installed around his house.

It would also be cool to see all three mutated to make a Grabrieker-blaster, and yes i agree with the authour of this post...i want to see the old lab, maybe theres a DeLorean in there:)



I always thought it would be cool if some how a Graboid or two made its way to the ocean or a deep lake. Think about a swimming Graboid! That would be awsome! What if the graboid incounterd a whale or somthing.

I dont know I think that you could at least make this idea into to episodes. Like the first episode would be them trying to hunt down the graboid. And at the end they chase it off of a cliff into the ocean, and then later on the second episode fallows what the first one left off, and how the Graboid reacts in the water.

Offical Cannibal Film Fanatics website:



graboid with spiders legs, scorpion stinger, bat wings, and the tongues have snake venom. so now it can fly, walk, and dig. plus it can see normally and still have it's hearing intact along with the infra-red vision. and it carries lil shriekers on its back like a scorpion and launches them when attacking. it also shoots fire balls from it's mouth.



As a Stampede Entertainment Supervising Executive, I do tend to look through the "cabnits" of the Tremors files. Now WERE do I begin with the Mixmaster...

The mixmaster becomes the plot for many episodes. Such as:
:It brings dinosaurs back to life, and they run amok the valley terrizing citizens
:It creates a super-enhanced graboid that can jump 100 feet in the air (like an orca) and can go through concrete. It possibly has eye-sight as well.
:It creates a shreiker that can see as well as hear (Not much more detail)
:It creates bugs that eat rubber. After all the rubber is gone, the bugs start eating (I'm not kidding here) cartilage in humans.
:It transforms a man into a graboid (again I'm not joking)
:It creates like hamster creatures that actually kill people (similar to the Crites in Critters {1986})
:It crosses a graboid with a shark that escapes into the Pacific Ocean. How? I dont know...
:It creates an octopus monster that lives in trees that escapes to the Amazon Jungle (that does sound kinda cool...)
And much, MUCH more

Any questions? Be free to ask!

Armed and Dangerous



I always figured a swimming Graboid would be about the only evolutionary base not yet covered by the movies. I do remember the old Stampede website pre-Tremors 3 which talked about a possible tv series featuring Val & Earl taking on various oddities in Perfection such as the "arboreal octopus" that snatches people up into the trees. Most of those ideas got folded into Tremors 3 but not that one, I could see them reviving it with Mixmaster.

It only makes sense that they would use Mixmaster to cross a human and Graboid so they would finally have a Graboid who could talk and tell us their story. Every scifi show tries to humanize its inhuman adversaries eventually, usually for the worse. Like the Borg.


Mix a Shreiker with a bird so it flies away and lands in a major league ballpark. Once there, it eats lots of hotdogs (its traditional) and lots more shreikers come out and they eat all the players from the Boston Red Sox. That would be awesome!

Of course, I'm a Yankee fan, so I would like that!

I find your lack of faith disturbing.
