MovieChat Forums > Tremors (2003) Discussion > Gladys Jimenez and 'that scene' from the...

Gladys Jimenez and 'that scene' from the Ass Blaster episode

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, in the ass blaster episode, Rosalita (played by Gladys Jimenez) encounters an AB and, as we know, AB's "see" in infra-red i.e. they can detect out body heat, so she hides in a water trough thinking the cold water will hide her body heat, which it does (in case you're wondering, she doen't hold her breath, she breaths through a bit of thin pipe), later she bursts in to Chang's Market all wet and wearing a white T-shirt - AND NO BRA!!! I guess this is the closest we'll ever get to a nude scene in Tremors. What do you think?



Yeah call me sad but I have those white t-shirt scenes cut together in a little montage on my dvd copy of the series :)


Can you upload them? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze




Do you make copies? do you have the first pilot episode? I would love to buy it! please contact me, by sending me a private message..



Yeah, i remember that... it was like spiderman's scene with kirsten dunst

-- "Quoth the raven: NM"


Fixed link:



"They'll fix you, they fix everything"


I just saw the episode, and although Mrs. Jimenez has a glorious body I must say I've never seen a more blatantly obvious excuse at putting T&A (or just T in this case) in a movie. I mean, there are so many other ways in which she could have hidden from the Assblaster (although this was a pretty cool and original one), not to mention the fact that she could have changed clothes and that her wet shirt would have quickly dried in the warm desert. And this particular thing just happened to occur when the sexiest woman on the show was wearing a white T-shirt. Not to mention the close-up of her belly when she showed her scar from a knife attack, which was an unneccessary plot point.

I'm not some prudish zealot or anything. In fact I'm not angry about this at all; I'm amused by it. I like the show.

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Yeah, she's hot and everything but GOD, she is the WORST actress I've ever seen!

Got it Memorized?


Gladise is a beuatiful & sexy woman. And she is not too shy in the front of camera. If I remeber well she wasw wearing a bra only in one episode LOL



They way you typed that reminds me of Liz from Roswell. She always says thank you like that
It's kinda cute the way she says Thang-Q!

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7


Fixed Fixed Link:

"C'mon then, you maggoty piece of Hell meat! Eat me! I'll bloody choke you!"
-- John Constantine


Hahaha, Gladys is a supe sexy girl and doesn't hestitate to wear very hot outifts (check out Water Hazard episode). I wish there were more Tremors episodes - the series was better than the film


One of my favorite scenes, and I love how she never wears a bra!

grrr arg



Saw it on my DVD. Watched it in slo-mo with zoom! That was a long long scene of her wet tshirt. Worth the price of DVD alone!!
