I am SO annoyed!!

Finished all the episodes of the series and I am so annoyed! This series was as good as any series on sic-fi channel (hate that syfy crap). Certainly better than any series at the time. Every episode was decent except one (when the whinny daughter comes back). Not saying it was great, just good scifi fun. What a shame.


I know! I wasn't able to watch the show during it's original run due to the fact I was in high school and it was eating up a lot of my time, and by the time I started watching it, it got canceled.

And it was a decent series, my uncle watched it a lot, and taped it and I saw a few episodes after-the-fact.

And the nutty thing is, it got high ratings for the channel, but Sci-Fi was being pissy that it wasn't quite at FarScape's numbers, so they shot themselves in the foot and canceled it, even though, as I said, it was doing well for the channel.

I think a lot of people were pissed about that. The films have a strong cult following and a lot of people liked the series.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
