Why can't they get the Graboids right?
If you're a Tremors Fan, you've probably all seen the cover art for the DVD's and Movie Posters. usually shows the main characters above ground in the upper half of the poster / cover and a Graboid or groups of creatures underground, mouths pointed up and gaping.
Ever notice that these creatures usually look nothing like the Graboids in the movie? On the covers they're usually depicted with white pointed teeth, like a Shark or Reptile. But we all know that Graboids / Shriekers / Ass-Blasters don't have teeth like that. They really don't have teeth at all as their mouths are one large, hard mandible that usually splits in several directions.
It's especially bad on the cover of "Tremors: The Series" DVD as that creature has a reptillian eye on the side of its head. We all know that no version of the Graboid or its offspring have eyes of any sort.
Really, the only accurate cover was for "Tremors 4: The Legend Begins". The creature on that cover looked like an actual Graboid as portrayed in the films.
What gives? Are the artists just lazy? Do they just want to slop something down and be done with it? I guess one could say that maybe they're trying to keep some sort of "suspense" and not ruin it for everybody by revealing exactly how the Graboids look, but I'm sure that we all know what Graboids look like by now.
I'm just wondering why they can't depict a Graboid on the cover as they were seen in the film.