MovieChat Forums > The Whole Ten Yards (2004) Discussion > How many sons does Lazlo have?

How many sons does Lazlo have?

For some reason I recall someone in the movie saying he had only two sons and in the flashback at the beginning of this movie it appeared he only had two when he split the dollar bill up and gave it to Jimmy and Janni. Is Strabo Lazlo's son or not.


Yes, Strabo was Laslo's son.


Strabo and Janni are his sons. he raised Jimmy like a son.


More to the point, who cares?


the twist completely threw me the first time i saw this movie! so is Lazlo Jimmy's biological father or his surrogate father? i think maybe Janni and Strabo were his half-brothers and that Lazlo had Jimmy with another woman. that make sense? that seem most fitting?



Spoilers below:

He has two biological sons. The implication is that Jimmy was adopted (whether officially or not) by Lazlo. The opening scene, with the kids each taking half of the dollar, doesn't say that it's Janni and Strabo, and it doesn't say that Lazlo only has two sons, biological or not. Rather, you assume that it was Janni and Strabo and that he only had two sons once the film gets rolling along in the "present" . . . but you assume that incorrectly, as the twist reveals.
