
I thought Kevin Pollack was hilarious as the gangster. His disguise for this part reminded me of John Belushi. Was there a movie where John Belushi looked like this, an old man with those over-large thick plastic frame big round glasses and had white hair? Was it maybe a Saturday Night live skit? Or am I just imagining that because he looks so much like Belushi in that get-up?

Come see a fat old man sometime!


KP's lazlo was some of the worst acting i've ever seen. not funny at all, just dumb.

and about the "looks", maybe you were thinking about burt young in mickey blue eyes.


Wow, you should be a movie critic. It was intentional slapstick, and you have to know how to appreciate that. Maybe it's an acquired taste.

Come see a fat old man sometime!


He's thinking of an old SNL skit where Belushi was made up to look like himself many years later. The scene was shot in the winter, in a cemetery. The rest of the SNL cast had passed away and Belushi talked about memories of his old friends. At the end of the skit, he danced on their graves.


Was Martin Scorsese the inspiration for Lazlo?

Kevin Pollak as Lazlo --

Martin Scorsese --


LOL There is some resemblance. Good catch!

Come see a fat old man sometime!
~ Rooster Cogburn
