The 2 most OVERRATED, ANNOYING actors......
One of them is in this movie...... Matthew Broderick and the other is TOM HANKS...... the literal, human "sleeping pill"!!! Godzilla would've been a great funny movie but M.B. is just SO ANNOYING that he actually made the audience feel "stupid" by his tonal attitude as if he saying: "I'M ALWAYS SMARTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE" around him and then he mocks everyone who dares to question him! As for TOM HANKS, the Davinci Code was a GREAT EUROPEAN MOVIE...... the only exception was that ANNOYING american actor that kept "whispering" throughout the entire movie: TOM HANKS! He literally was WHISPERING while being shot at in one scene! He's either talking to himself or he's deeply in love w/his own voice! The bridge of spies was another great movie but again, I almost fell asleep at times because of "the whisperer"!