Totally unreaistic for this day in age
Ok in the original the women like most of that time period were housewives or at most worked part time before the kids....they had no means to leave without their husband.
The remake would have us believe women with careers (t.v exec, ad exec, engineer etc) had no choice and were stuck. As soon as they felt it was weird or whatever they more than had the means to take off. If it takes 4 months to prep for the "change" then they could not risk arousing suspicion so a woman saying "I am taking the kids to dinner in the city" or " the city to shop" would not be denied or questionned.
Yes, we are suppose to suspend belief but there is a difference between suspension of disbelief and idocrasy. Sorry but an educated woman who has or until recently had a high paying affluent career(as all the women supposidly had)could easily get the hell out. To make it work for THIS day in age there would need to be serious changes to explain why these women could not just leave. In different eras it makes sense because the woman had nothing without her husband but that is no longer the case. Sorry for the rant but among the general stupidity that is this movie, this is one plot hole that bothers me.