MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (2004) Discussion > I'm confused about the ending... spoiler...

I'm confused about the ending... spoilers

We're the women's brains placed back into their bodies? (Is that how it worked?) How is it that Christopher walkin's character didn't know that Joanne wasn't a robot when he was in charge of the operations? I was cooking while watching this so I probably missed somethings.



I translated it as they were placed into robot bodies, but it was obvious from the advertisement in the end that microchips were placed into their brains and nothing was actually taken out of their body. The two parts that made it confusing was when he had to "snap" Faith Hill's characters neck to fix the malfunction and the fact that there was a robot body at the end when Joanne confronts the men and is taken into the basement. That's what makes me believe they were implanted with chips and then put into a body that could be easily modified. If they were robots their bodies would have been down in the basement instead of that glass/TV/computer type thing.


There's nothing to be confused about - the making of the movie was a complete mess, a train wreck. Originally it was to be more comedic, the women being transformed into robots like the original. You can see this in some scenes like where the one wife is like an ATM or Bette Midler's wife have all sorts of tools pop out as she self-destructs.
