Eternal Darkness: The Sequel

Hey, anyone have definative confirmation (or at least an idea), that a sequel is being written? Because if they aren't I would love, repeat LOVE! to write it, or at least take at stab at writing it! Thanks in advance! :D

"The world that represents all that exists and may exist."


Nope. No sequel is being planned. I think...

May the Force be with you



That was just a low sanity hallucination. It's supposed to make you think that the game is over after just a few hours play. I admit, it absolutely tricked me. My jaw dropped and I sat stunned until the game flashed back to my character, yelling "This can't be HAPPENING!"


I think anyone who loved the game but squirmed through the stilted and awkward dialogue would love to take a stab at writing it.


lol, I actually got a funny story. I was playing it, and my sanity lever was absolutely dead. Then all of a sudden, this black strip appeared across the screen and it said that there was an error reading the disk, and to turn the power off.

I naturally assumed this was a hallucination, so I waiteda few seconds, but nothing happened, then I realised that I could here the disk skipping the Game Cube. Lol, I laughed so hard. Fortunately I had saved recently.
