ha! i knew i wasnt crazy!

just 6 months ago, i was playing through the game when i saw an advertisment in it for the next game. people on multiple message boards spurned me calling me crazy, but its the truth! as i was replaying it this week, i saw the same advertisment! when i checked on good old IMBd, it called it a sanity effect! i knew i was right


didn't that piss you off 'till you realised what it was? Sure did for me:

Me: What the *beep* is this bullsh*t?!?!! I've been playing this for like an hour this has got to be bullsh....oh...heh heh heh, I'll be shutting up now.

"This summer I hear the drummin', four dead in Ohio." -Neil Young (Ohio)



How about this, I was playing thorugh the game with a mate an he decided to go the toilet. When he walked past the consle the game went blank and then played the intro 'Deep into that darkness pearing...' Having not saved in ages and being at the end of one chapter i wasn't best pleased.

Me: You stupid prick you've reset it i've not *beep* saved in ages you daft *beep* oh no wait nevermind. Sorry man. =/

Same thing happened when i went to save the game. Instead of saying saying game saved it said game 'DELETED'
Me: Bollox! ...ah nevermind

Guess which one this is...
Me: Someones leaning on the remote!

Its such a mind *beep* its so cool.

It is not hands that call us, it is desire...
