It's really too bad......

I have been playing this game for 3 years now and when I got it I was VERY shocked. The story is done very well and the characters are unforgettable. I still feel sorry for the monk and Anthony. I like how the stories aren't in chronological order because it adds to more suspense. Instead of just getting answers you find out along the way "O it is because this is what happened in this year" and so forth. Having Mantarok's zombies come after you to stop you in Karim's level made no sense, then you remember you are in the year 565 and you realise Mantarok isn't bound yet, so that is cool.

To be honest, part of me needs no sequel or film ever made. Let us keep this at least pure. It is too bad this game will never get the recognition it deserves. Then again it may get overhyped and ruined for us with movies if noticed by the wrong people.

Now I not only see a Doom film in the makes, but a Metroid as well. So sad........


Yes, let us have a moment of silence for the video games we loved as kids being made into pathetic attempts at movie entertainment (cept Mortal Kombat, Lambert did an awesome job as Raiden). Wasn't aware of a Metroid movie though, unfortunately I was aware of the Doom "movie".

"Nature commits no errors. Right and Wrong are human catagories." -Pardot Kynes


Yes. The Doom movie is moving away from the Game almost entirely. Just shares the same title.

Metroid should be good, if they keep it in a good director's hands and don't cast Sarah Michelle Gellar as Samus.


I pray day and night that they don't *beep* up Metroid. I heard that John Woo might be directing it. I *beep* hope not. I can see it now Sarah M gellar running in a corridor in slow mo, see's Ridley at the end, Both stare at eachother and then two *beep* doves fly right between then in pissin slow mo slow mo more slow mo. Argh!

Ill go pray now.

It is not hands that call us, it is desire...




Still, he/she's got a point. I'm sure there are people in Hollywood trying to make a simple plotless FPS into a movie.

"I hate people who go to see movies based on books. They always say the book was better. You know what I liked about the movie?? No Reading!"
