A TV series??

I read in Nintendo Offical Magazine that there was going to be a television series based on this game. Anyone got any more info about this than me?

By Moi! Who is moi? GUESS!!!


Oh, dear Lord, I hope not.


Yeah me too. I mean, how the hell are they going to have the sanity meter appear on TV? What makes EDSR a great game is the fact that the game plays with you at times, and really messes up your head. But on TV...? NOT SCARY!!

And is it just me, or do films/TV series made from games never turn out well?

By Moi! Who is moi? GUESS!!!


One name to that..... Uwe Boll


Well, rather than b*tching about it, I actually want to see some sort of mini-series made. I mean, people hallucinate in movies all the time and the end result of an "Eternal Darkness" movie, T.V. series, or mini-series would probably be pretty creepy.

On a side note, you people should REALLY check out the official Eternal Darkness website, as it also has "Eternal Darkness Films": A collection of sanity-related short films.


I reckon this would kick arse as a miniseries, like Lost or The 4400.

The Pilot Episode would involve exposition, and Alex getting to the house, maybe flash backs giving Edwards Character a little mystery but nothing at all revealing, could have her looking around the house. Must end on a cliffhanger, don't know what kind.

Then second episode would involve the finding of the secret room, and reading Paul's chapter page. Then each episode would involve using the things she learnt in previous episodes to find a chapter and read it. and the final episode would be Alex going down into the Corpse City itself.

If done probably, it could blow the pants off anything seen on network television.


I heard rumblings of this ages ago, but any thought of it happening may have been dropped since the game didn't sell well enough.

I thought it should go like this: A 12-part TV mini-series on Showtime or HBO or something, each part taking place around a chapter in the game. That would've worked quite well--if some effort was put into it.

I suppose, if Nintendo really wanted to, they could do a miniseries, and re-make the game (a la Resident Evil for the GameCube) for the Revolution. It's a brilliant game and there's no reason it shouldn't have sold better. It'd be a great way to draw an adult audience to Nintendo. You know, after years of Pokemon and press-sponsored stereotyping of Nintendo as a "kiddie" company have hurt the big N's reputation.



I think they could do a miniseries with each episode being titled the same as the chapter in game (i.e. "The Gift of Forever" or "The Lurking Horror").

Sanity effects wouldn't be that hard to do if they would just pick the right ones. Like it would be hard to have a screensaver of Pious come up on screen but they could easily do bells/voices in the backrounds.

What I think would be the hardest is actually showing the spells being cast. In the game we just go to the spell list and cast it but it would be hard to show on screen. My idea for that is have the characters carry a mini Tome or something like that. When they need to cast a spell they can just take it out and read from it. Basically it would be the characters saying the spells instead of Ulyaoth, Mantorok, etc. OR, when the character starts to speak the ancient for whatever alignment they are casting can say the spell with them.

Some items the characters have would also have to be gotten rid of. They would have to be realistic about what the particular character would be able to carry. A few characters have multiple weapons when in a tv show they'd only be able to have one with them and maybe a torch.

They have Bibles in Hell?
