Sanity Effects Facts and Myths

I've done a littel net surfing finding some interesting things claimed to be sanity effects, I'm trying to put them under the microscope sorting the facts from myths.

These are effects that do not appear in the Trivia section.

Effect: Your GameCube apears to reset, and gives you the PS2 or Xbox startup screens.
Report: I acually have gotten the effect where the game restarts with the PS2 startup screen. but I haven't seen the XBox. Mind you in my 4 years of playing I've only seen the PS2 screen once.

Effect: Your GameCube apears to reset, and Starts up Luigi's Mansion.
Report: Never seen it.

Effect: Your Character suddenly catches fire
Report: My friend claims to have seen this effect, But I have yet to seen it.

Effect: Enemies Appear shrunk
Report: TRUE, i've seen this a few times. theres also a glitch where if you use any ammo you won't have after the flash comes.

Effect: A Button stops working
Report: True, there is no warning that the button doesn't work

Effects:All doors appeared to be locked.
Report: There have been a few reports of this effect but I haven't seen it myself

Effect: Character attacks for no reason
Report: seen it a couple of times. (NO Flash)

Effect: Maximillian Roivas head will pop up from the bottom of the screen and give you a bit of a wink
Report: Never seen it.

Effect: You appear to be in an Area completly white (Like The Matrix Construct)
Report: Never seen it. but it would be cool

Effect: Character instantly falls through the floor
Report: Theres a similar sanity effect where you fall through the floor slowly, but not instantly.

Effect: Character starts to disappear, like he's being erased with an eraser.
Report: Never seen it.

Effect: Your Character turns into a ghost.
Report: Never seen it.

Effect: Karim's Ghost appears and cuts you in half.
Report: Never seen it. unless the closest thing you see is Roberto meeting Karims Ghost.

Can anyone Dismiss or confirm the effects?

Don't Hesitate. when the time comes just act


I had a door locking one but it was me being locked in the room with the telescope light thing. I had it once and only once, and anytime I tried to recreate it only got the effects of falling through floor slowly, the slow phantom footsteps, or dripping blood. I had entered the room and when i tried to leave the door was locked and I heard laughter and the door just wouldn't open. It took at least 30 secs to complete if I remember correctly. It was a while back, so I may have the time wrong.


I get the one where all of the doors appear locked quite often, same with the A button not working and the character attacking on his own. Haven't seen the other ones though. I don't play the game as often as I used to, but when I do play, I try to keep as little sanity as possible. If I find anything else, I'll post it here.


I have had one not mentioned here. I was Luther (the monk) and I went into the main part f the church place and it was black and white and the scenery was that when you are in peter (the journalists) chapter with all the beds and bodies. Was very cool and lasted a bit but only had it once. It finished by doing the flash and putting me back outside the main entrance to that area (and the traditional “This…isn’t happening!”).


There's a cool one that you can only get as Alex.
If you have low sanity and walk into the room in the mansion where the piano is, you may hear a kind of creaking sound. Go over near the piano and you'll see a corpse hanging from a noose and swinging back and forth slightly. If you examine is, it will zoom in really close and the body will turn toward you and say, "The darkness is coming..."


I have seen the character being erased... That one messed with me when I saw it, I was thinking, "Hmmm... That's odd." Then I started laughing. I've also seen all of the doors suddenly locking and you can't escape for a while. That one is irritating when you're really into the game.


I get the locked door one quite often. And the one as Luther, where you see the future. I got that twice (the second time I kept running up and down the stairs with low saniy just to see it) near the pipe organ, the stairs behind the altar. But I can't remember wether it's when you go up the stairs, or down the stairs.


As Alex I have turned into one of the zombies. When I was playing as the guy in the church during the war, I walked up stairs and the guy turned around and shot the screen. As the fireman, I walked down a ladder and a long trail of ammo. As Alex, on the second floor I saw two guns walk down the hall and walk through the wall where the door eventually appears. The best two to me are: I had just finished a chapter and it told me congratulations for finiishing and told me about a sequel for the game. In the other I was trying to save and it gave me a message that asks me about deleting my file. The tricky part was that the way it was worded yes and no both meant deleting my file. Sorry if my forgetfulness of characters offend the faithful but I've played a lot of games since the last time I played it.


I've witnessed all those too. My particular faves are when your head falls off and starts reciting Hamlet, and when the painting on the second floor transforms into a hideous landscape (the same effect is in Luther's chapter, where if you have low sanity, and go back to the room where you were locked up, then one of the paintings (not the one you took the green jem from) has changed.


i'm playing the fireman's chapter now and just got the line of clips laying along the floor and i thought "these weren't here when i passed by?" but i was in such a hurry to find the tome so that i could cast the shield on me i thought i may have missed them on the way by!! i was kinda pissed when i discovered that they weren't real...then relieved..i mean no game normally gives you that much ammo unless they intend for you to use it!!! what the hell would you use that many clips on!!

99 problems but a b!tch aint one, hit me!-Jz


The one where Karim's ghost appears and cuts you in half sounds familiar--I think I've seen that one. But don't count me as being totally accurate on that. Last time I really invested time into the game was over a year ago. I did play through it 3 times, though. I did manage to see the characters attacking nothing and shooting the screen. And the "Successfully deleted memory card" effect. I nearly went berserk when I saw that! I thought I'd selected the wrong option or something! I was pissed!

Never got a PS2 or Xbox start-up screen. Wouldn't there be copyright problems in doing something like that? It'd be a great effect.

Oh, and if you're in a hurry to go totally insane, try this (during Anthony's chapter as I recall): When the monk gives you a new sword, promptly decapitate him with it. Instant insanity. Guess you're not supposed to kill the people helping you!!


to add to that... killing any innocent makes you lose all your sanity.
