Sanity Effects Facts and Myths
I've done a littel net surfing finding some interesting things claimed to be sanity effects, I'm trying to put them under the microscope sorting the facts from myths.
These are effects that do not appear in the Trivia section.
Effect: Your GameCube apears to reset, and gives you the PS2 or Xbox startup screens.
Report: I acually have gotten the effect where the game restarts with the PS2 startup screen. but I haven't seen the XBox. Mind you in my 4 years of playing I've only seen the PS2 screen once.
Effect: Your GameCube apears to reset, and Starts up Luigi's Mansion.
Report: Never seen it.
Effect: Your Character suddenly catches fire
Report: My friend claims to have seen this effect, But I have yet to seen it.
Effect: Enemies Appear shrunk
Report: TRUE, i've seen this a few times. theres also a glitch where if you use any ammo you won't have after the flash comes.
Effect: A Button stops working
Report: True, there is no warning that the button doesn't work
Effects:All doors appeared to be locked.
Report: There have been a few reports of this effect but I haven't seen it myself
Effect: Character attacks for no reason
Report: seen it a couple of times. (NO Flash)
Effect: Maximillian Roivas head will pop up from the bottom of the screen and give you a bit of a wink
Report: Never seen it.
Effect: You appear to be in an Area completly white (Like The Matrix Construct)
Report: Never seen it. but it would be cool
Effect: Character instantly falls through the floor
Report: Theres a similar sanity effect where you fall through the floor slowly, but not instantly.
Effect: Character starts to disappear, like he's being erased with an eraser.
Report: Never seen it.
Effect: Your Character turns into a ghost.
Report: Never seen it.
Effect: Karim's Ghost appears and cuts you in half.
Report: Never seen it. unless the closest thing you see is Roberto meeting Karims Ghost.
Can anyone Dismiss or confirm the effects?
Don't Hesitate. when the time comes just act