There IS a fifth ancient

It has been confirmed by Dennis Dyack that there is indeed a fifth ancient and that the yellow magick represents him. I'm hoping if a sequel is done, it will include this ancient.


Smile, you're on XENU TV!


I wish and I hope... but pray no wii. I like the wii, but I want a console game I can use a remote with. X-box 360 would please me.

It now became apparent (despite the lack of library paste) that something had happened to the vicar;


Where is this confirmation? People keep saying that Dyack confirmed it, but when? And Where? Do you have a link?


From Wikipedia:

There appears to be a fifth alignment, colored yellow, that is not connected to any of the Ancients in the game. It was later confirmed by Denis Dyack to be the alignment of another Ancient that was not included in the game.[1]

The closest any one will come to perfection is on an application form.



The yellow coloured magick in the game is also a representation of another ancient.

The closest any one will come to perfection is on an application form.
