MovieChat Forums > Envy (2004) Discussion > I laughed so hard...... cause it was so ...

I laughed so hard...... cause it was so bad

The movie was goin, I was expecting to see a funny movie. I mean come on, Jack Black and Ben Stiller. But instead, they just came up with bad humor. Bad writing. And bad acting. I was watching and by the middle of this movie, i laughed so hard cause it was so awful. This movie just sucks.


That wasn't really worth starting a new topic for jackass, most of the other topics are devoted to how *beep* this movie is, you big big jerk.


do you like this movie?


This was by far the worst movie I've ever seen. I can't believe I sat through the entire thing. I guess I'm always looking to see if a movie may get better, but it never does. The only part I laughed at was the 'lethal poison/little person' misunderstanding at the vet hospital. Even then it wasn't a big deal.
I also think they made a mistake in casting Rachel Weisz (I'm sure I misspelled that and I don't care) in this movie. She just didn't seem to fit this role at all. She was decent in the Mummy, but not this. And what was with the lipsuction? First of all she didn't need it, second of all, he was gone for a week and all of a sudden she's had this procedure? Obviously he was sending money as he received it? And in just a weeks time? I know it's just a movie, but it bothered me.
The ONLY good thing about this movie was my boy Christopher Walken, even still not his best work which is obvious.


Are you watching it just to laugh? well i guess i do that sometimes with movies, but just credit it for how well it was filmed. I mean, there probably thousands of people who respected it just for the awsome sytle of movie

"Your worth twelve of Malfoy."-Harry Potter
