What the?

Okay, i have been waiting for this movie to come out in DVD here in Australia as i dont think it got theatrical release here.. And i have to say i nearly fell asleep watching it.. I really dont understand how Jack Black and Ben Stiller found themselves in this and didnt back out, i did not get one laugh from this movie, and i would say that Jack Black is my favorite actor, it usually takes just a word from him to make me laugh (Tenacious D Rocks!) how can they be in a movie that is this bad? It didnt even follow the story very well and there were so many gaps that weren't filled (maybe i was slipping in and out of a coma) Please, if you dont want to tarnish your view of Jack Black & Ben Stillers comedic talents stay away from this movie...



Ive noticed something very intresting about this film and those who watch it seems to me that only british people find it funny im not trying to offend any one but british comedy is tradishonly ironic and this film is extreemly ironic especially when watched for a second time it has great cinamatography so im told (my girlfriends a short films director for the bbc) and has great angles and originaity. I do agree that it shouldnt be a representation of jack black and ben stillers talent because they usually express no complicated emotions or display any amazing talent outside the realms of slapstick comedy ,were as in thiis they both have times were they show incredible abilities as actors. I dnt claim to be an expert but my partner is so to clear something up the plot is linear but not lacking and it is a creative and original piece, i think you should feel free not to like it but dont make comments about aspects u dont understand thankyou and sorry about my terrible spelling.




i thought this movie was ok.

im from the uk and maybe it is a cultural thing. although the movie lacked pace and stalled a bit in places, on the whole it did a pretty good job. i wasn't expecting the most hilarious comedy ever made, but as for an hour and a bit of entertainment it passed the time.

i loved Rachel Weisz and Christopher Walken, and even if the stars want to apologise for ever making this, i'm glad i've seen it and look forward to seeing what they all do next.


well it wasnt that great but it sure as hell was better than along came polly.
