Ok, let me start out by saying that like a lot of you, I am a huge fan of Jack Black, Stiller & Walken. I'm even a huge fan of Larry David, who co-wrote Seinfeld and was an executive producer in this movie.
The movie had a lot of potiental, but what was really disappointing is that it didn't deliver the goods. We got sort of this unrealistic world, where all sorts of bizarre stuff happens, when really all that they had to do to make this movie funny was to be realistic about it. Jack Black's character could still be a total loon (everyone knows he could play that), build this enormous mansion next to his harder-working friend's house. I think this would have been a better way to go. I mean look at Stiller in ... uh, the one where he's obsessed with Cameron Diaz (I am totally forgetting the name right now)... that was funny. Because it was a realistic situation, and something we could all identify with.. but it wasn't too over the top. Meet the Parents - same deal. In-laws were super weird, but you could still watch that movie and say- eh, not believable, but lots of elements of real life there.... but this movie was just too over the top, too often.
I don't know how much input Larry David had in this movie, but it did seem like his brand of humor. He tends to go for a kind of "surreal laugh". But in this movie the writers seemed to try too hard... rather than letting the natural humor of the situation take over.