Not THAT Bad

I don't know what the bashing is all about. The movie wasn't the best in the world but it certainly wasn't the worst either (go see "The House of the Dead" for that). Walken was wonderful and there were some pretty good moments I thought.


I couldn't agree more. My gf and I rented it and laughed very much, plus it had more of a plot than most movies of its ilk.

Not worth buying, but worth a rental.


I rented Dodgeball and Envy the same night and liked Envy a lot more. It had more going on than Dodgeball and was better acted.


i agree, i liked this film a lot better than say, dodgeball and along came polly. i also liked our house or in some places duplex, that was hilarious!

the WORST film EVER has to be Josie and the pussycats.


I can't believe you guys liked this horrible movie. I didn't laugh once. Hell...I barely even smiled.

And I'm someone who thinks Ben Stiller is good, Jack Black is great and Christopher Walken is just brilliant.

The only part I thought was semi-funny was the horsetail in the windshield wipers. Other than that, this movie was EXTREMELY bad.


You must have been high not to laugh at this movie. My sister and I watched it together and we were rolling around on the floor laughing at this movie. People who say this movie was bad are on crack.

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to Matt H. since 2002


You were rolling around on the floor laughing? Sounds like YOU were high

But, if you wanna see a good scene with Black and Stiller, watch the fire scene in Orange County. Now THAT scene had ME rolling around on the floor (without being high)


Just the fire scene? How 'bout the rest of the movie? I have that movie memorized, son, so I think I'd know a good movie when I see one.

By the way, unlike some people on this board, I have never even touched a joint or done a line of coke or anything like that, so I am actually able to recognize when I'm watching something funny and worth my time.

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to Matt H. since 2002


no actually i think you would have to be pretty high or drop some acid to maybe even crack a smile watching this crap bollox.


I didnt think this movie was that bad but When I first heard that there was a movie with Ben Stiller and Jack Black(funniest actors in my opinion) I thought it was going to much funnier than it was so I was pretty dissapointed but still watchable.


I thought Dodgeball was a lot of fun and very funny.
Envy was vaguely funny but the story line got me through it. My favorite part was Christopher Walken's last speech.


Yeah... It was THAT bad. If you've got Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Christopher Walken and co. - you immediately raise expectations and this falls far, far below the mark.

Towards the end of the movie, about the only thing I actually started caring about was "where did it go to ??" which I almost thought they were going to answer. Now that would have bumped it a fraction, but not enough to save it.


Ok, let me start out by saying that like a lot of you, I am a huge fan of Jack Black, Stiller & Walken. I'm even a huge fan of Larry David, who co-wrote Seinfeld and was an executive producer in this movie.

The movie had a lot of potiental, but what was really disappointing is that it didn't deliver the goods. We got sort of this unrealistic world, where all sorts of bizarre stuff happens, when really all that they had to do to make this movie funny was to be realistic about it. Jack Black's character could still be a total loon (everyone knows he could play that), build this enormous mansion next to his harder-working friend's house. I think this would have been a better way to go. I mean look at Stiller in ... uh, the one where he's obsessed with Cameron Diaz (I am totally forgetting the name right now)... that was funny. Because it was a realistic situation, and something we could all identify with.. but it wasn't too over the top. Meet the Parents - same deal. In-laws were super weird, but you could still watch that movie and say- eh, not believable, but lots of elements of real life there.... but this movie was just too over the top, too often.

I don't know how much input Larry David had in this movie, but it did seem like his brand of humor. He tends to go for a kind of "surreal laugh". But in this movie the writers seemed to try too hard... rather than letting the natural humor of the situation take over.


I loved this movie. It was my kinda movie, and i enjoyed it. I loved the scene where christopher walken was talking to Stiller the first time they met and he goes "Let me tell you a story when i was...oh....TEN!" I shat my pants laughing over that line alone.

I thought Walken was the best in this movie, but i loved Stiller in it also. Jack Black was just himself, and nothing special.


this movie had a piss poor script with almost no story or characters. jack black is overused and overpaid we've all seen his humor before, but ben stiller is genius, pretty much everything he does, but jesus, i write screenplays and if i wrote envy id feel obligated to kick my own ass.


i thought this movie was really funny and i think jack black is hilarious


ok so w.e i lo0ved it..very crude but ne way..everyone was good..including the damn horse..


I rented this film and thought it was hilarious! I can't believe the bad reviews on Rotten I think critics can't be trusted with comedies and horror films.


It's funny, becuase most of the people who say they didn't like this movie say they are big Black and Stiller fans. I'm not really a big fan of either but thought this movie was entertaining. Some of the one-liners ("Have you heard of night?", "Don't ever taste my pants") were hilarious. It certainly was no classic but a great comedy rental by all means....


I have to say, i thought this was a very enjoyable movie.
Then i come on to IMDB, and everyone seems to hate it!
The heck?

It wasn't bad at all. Maybe people just aren't use to a comedy that doesnt
spoon-feed you all the jokes.
For a movie about dog poop, i was SO GLAD to see there wasn't any cheap gross-out "humor".

If you didnt 'get' this movie, then at the very least, you should appreciate the fact that it contained zero cheap shots and toilet humor.
That alone should win it an award.

It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
