MovieChat Forums > Envy (2004) Discussion > why jack black apologize in canne?

why jack black apologize in canne?

I like ben stiller's movie, some of them are really funny ,like recently <deplux><meet parents><zoolander>,but mr stiller was most
succesful for his poor guy character,like <cable guy>,if it is not
jim carry,he is also fit for that character.Recently ,I have watch
<keeping the faith>,he act as a dabbi,somewhat flirt,from this,I
know ,Mr stiller is tryting to break up from sterotype for him,but,
what can I say?not so impressive.maybe edward norton is more favorely
for that character,it is reverse.
I also like jack black,<shallow hal>,it was my favorite movie at one
time,<enemy of the state> I also notice him.<the school of rock>,
come on ,that's a lot of guiness.he is funny guy,but in the rock'n roll
's world,I know nothing about him.
christopher walken,first I notice him in <the rundown>,I say,he is so
villiant,so cruel,so I look for imformation about him,he is normal man,
he is also in comedy,but replace john malkovich, now he is the most
impresive valliant I think.


dude, d'you know what your on about, your writing was nothing to do with your subject

I prefer to ignor my ignorence




I hate everyone who has participated in this thread. What an insane waste of time.


This thread is funnier than the movie; and it is a pretty funny flick.
This may be the funniest IMDB thread I ever read....


You hate yourself? I can see why.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Where are you from? Please tell me that english is a second language.

"You all right man?" Peter
"Perfect Baby, Perfect." Roger



dude, d'you know what your on about, your writing was nothing to do with your subject

2. Where are you from? Please tell me that english (sic) is a second language.

Don't worry hst1981 on the one hand your message makes sense, on the other ignorance is in the eyes of the beholders, two vigilante wannabes who are not capable of proper spelling. Not to mention that Mr. Smartass' #1 tenses are all wrong.

If you decide you want to waste your time with them I foresee their next questions:

1. Are you in the US, in case yes have you entered illegally.
2. Can you show us some ID?
3. Are you a commie?

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


1. dude, d'you know what your on about, your writing was nothing to do with your subject
2. Where are you from? Please tell me that english (sic) is a second language.

Don't worry hst1981, on the one hand your message makes sense, on the other ignorance is in the eyes of the beholders, two grammar vigilante wannabes who are not even capable of proper spelling. Not to mention that Mr. Smartass' #1 tenses are all wrong.

If you decide you want to waste your time with them I foresee their next questions:

1. Are you in the US, in case yes, have you entered illegally?
2. Can you show us some ID?
3. Are you a commie?

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


film-29, he didn't spell english wrong..


O yes he did, you do write English with a capital "E", don't you?

Methinks there are enough masters of none on this thread, anyhow, as you like it but watch your steps I don't think they are fond of competitors.

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


Actually, it was a capitalization error, rather than spelling, if you want to nitpick.

Good day.


How do you spell English?

e-n-g-l-i-s-h or E-n-g-l-i-s-h?

I'm not much of a nitpicker myself, nonetheless, if you are looking forward to seeing one you shall not be disappointed, there are a couple of them who use to hang around this thread.

A piece of advice: you must learn to pick your fights.

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.



What kind of person debates one?

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


Yeah again what is this thread about?



You do realize that "e" and "E" are the same letter, right?

"You gotta love everybody, make'm feel good about themselves" - PUSA


"E" or "e" notwithstanding, I was trying to point out that if someone thinks he or she has the right to pick on somebody whose English is not exactly spot-on their, of needs, should be perfect, which is not the case of hydro hog's and SedoMassacre's. And even if their English were perfect they shouldn't be picking on people whose mother language is other than English, as the matter of fact there is a name for that kind of behaviour: poor taste, very poor indeed.

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


And I was simply pointing our your hypocrisy in classifying the mistake incorrectly. Perhaps you shouldn't criticise the criticism of others if your criticism does not stand up to the standards against which you hold criticism made by others?


Good day.


Which part of "mauger your will they're not the same letters" you have misunderstood?
I insist, "english" instead of "English" is a misspelling.
Please, you look like a fine guy, do not play the sedulous ape to those smart asses.

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


So, what you are telling me is that there is no such thing as a capitalization error, merely spelling errors?

Frankly, that strikes me as quite daft. By that logic, if I were too lazy to properly capitalize my sentences, I would be a horrible speller! This also poses the question "Why does 'catipalize' exist as a word, anyway, if it's really a spelling error?"

I'd love to hear your explanation.

Good day.


I've come here to find out why Jack Black apologised in Cannes and all I've found is that some people feel strongly about other people not using capital (or should that be CAPITAL, lol) letters...

Why, and for what, did Jack Black apologise in Cannes?


for envy being such a catastrophically bad movie. check the trivia section.


For what it's worth, I think you're both right. "english" instead of "English" is a spelling error (as a proper noun, it should always be capitalized, the word is spelt with a capital E, not a lower-case one) and also a capitalization error. *Disclaimer*: I'm not an English teacher.


Good god. Let this end.


"the word is spelt with a capital E"
I did not know that "spelt" was actually a word. I used google to find that is actually another way to make the word "spell" past tense. Although this message board has gotten completely ridiculous, I learned something new. This is all because some other guy doesn't know English very well. If nothing else, this message board should help educate that guy on the proper use of English.

Capitalization and spelling errors were always marked differently at my elementary school. The point deductions were the same.

The only reason that I posted a message here is that I'm trying to finish watching this movie without falling asleep. The annoying background muisc is helping to keep me awake.


Sorry just had to jump in here.

Not using a capital is a spelling error, capitalization refers to the grammatical usage of capital's and where they should be used, however it is a subset of spelling and therefore he was perfectly correct in accusing you of a spelling error.

I think a lot of people are hiding behind the nitpicking to avoid the main thrust of the argument which was, stop picking on people, and try and encourage them.

For instance I am personally from the UK i.e the place where your language was born and created and there are a range of feelings from rage through resentment to just pity for the way that Americans use English. Myself I think that all language evolves, English came from an amagamation of many influences and different languages being merged together, including most obviously Anglo Saxon and Latin. I see the Americanization of English as the next evolution of the language, and like all changes you can choose to focus on the negative or the positive. I focus on the positive.

Who knows, the original poster may be from another country, but he will hopefully have a positive influence on your country and on the English language, a good example being Nabakov who was oringinally Russian but stated that learning English gave him the inspiratoin to write. I was always under the impression that America constitutionally supported diverse cultures with such things as the Green Card drive for just such a reason.



This is fun.

"PS. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q & R were eliminated." - Mitch Hedberg


What an awesome thread. You all need girlfriends real bad. Quick, now!


I find it remarkable that Americans can be so confident in their English language abilities. They do not even spell properly. Color in lieu of Colour.

Back to the Principle actors I feel that Ben Stiller should stick to movies such as Meet the Parents, and, Jack Black should stay in the style of Shallow Hal.
The roles played by both actors showed then as actors and not comedians trying to get cheap laughs.


Eventhough English is spelled with a capital E (as I did) the more fun thing is that what was asked is this.

Please tell me that english is a second language.

The question is not about wether or not the original posters English is his second language, but if English on the whole is a second language.
For me it is and to, apparently, many residents of the US it is too. But I'm excused for bad gramma in English since I've am mostly self educated in it.

This could be my chance to bond and become a valued member of the family


You people need jobs and girlfriends to occupy your time in a more worthwhile manner.


This coming from the guy who goes on every board i've seen and trashes people for being there. Why the hell are you there you low life?

Sittin down here by the campfire light, waitin for the Ghost of Tom Joad


Rage!!! Rage!!! Rage!!!


I'm sure that when the original developers of ARPANET were sitting around working out the design for their new network this is exactly what they envisioned the long term result of the project would be. This is interpersonal comunication at its finest.

Yeah for us, yeah for humanity.

I'm doing God's work... because the bastard's too lazy to do it himself.


It's like Earth. Sometimes it is Earth and sometimes it's earth. Live with it. Everyone is talking about grammar problems, but the dumbass part is that people are arguing about grammar on an internet board. Nobody wins in internet arguments, and you have to realize the fact that grammar is nonexistent on the internet.


How do you spell English?

e-n-g-l-i-s-h or E-n-g-l-i-s-h?

That's a false dichotomy. "english" and "English" are the exact same spelling. It's an orthographical difference. Put another way, the letter "e" and the letter "E" are not different letters. They are the same letter, written in different ways (If this weren't pure text, I could also point out the cursive "e" and cursive "E"). Orthography dictates that "English" is written with a capital E. It's not spelled differently than "english", it's written differently than "english".


Are you trying to tell me that ortography and spelling are not related?
I do repeat E and e are not the same letter.
For example are God and god the same word?

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.


You people need to get a Life.
E or e - give me a break - I thought this
was a message board about movies, not grammar.
If you are more interested in spelling perhaps
you can locate a site that is designed for spell
check diehards, I am sure there is some type of
setup out there where you can get critisized
on writing - where you can get feedback and
receive others input on your own style.


Maybe we need to get a life maybe not, life is in the eye of the beholder. In the meanwhile by criticizing our still-born lifeless existences you're arguably and hopelessly wasting yours. Provided you have one.
Read again this is not about grammar it is about throwing first stones. This thread was never about a movie but about two bully boys trying to pose as somebody smarter than they actually are.

A piece of advice I've already delivered to someone who was blundering in the same way you're: Learn to pick your fights.

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.



for out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaketh.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.


Hello, I am writing a scene in a script based on this thread. I love that quote. Who said it? It would be a really great opener.
-thank you


Follow this link and you'll find the milk of human brightness:

I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.



HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! omfg... hey u film29 or wutever ur gay name is! ur fu*king pathetic! get a life man! ive read all the posts under dis subject and guess whose replies r THE most gay... yes, its u!!! U, u dumb idiot!


I am laughing my ass off with all the *beep* you all write.
Oh man! this is really funny.


USED TO, not use to. though, i agree with you, do a grammar check or somethin' man... muah ha ^_^



It's "watch your step", not "steps". You best clean up your backyard first.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


as much as i am enjoying this wonderful thread about the difference between e and E and why anyone would care. i thought maybe you'd be interested in what jack black said at cannes. i did a google search and it ironically pointed me back to the page on "envy". in the trivia section is says:

At the 2004 Cannes Film Festival, during a press conference for Shark Tale (2004), both Jack Black and Dreamworks' Jeffrey Katzenberg publicly apologized for "Envy".

this page has a short quote:

" the Cannes Film Festival last week, Katzenberg declared, 'I apologize profusely for "Envy."'"

etc... etc...

of course it doesn't answer the question "why?"

but i think a viewing of the movie will.

-- smp

p.s. - i'm not very good at capitalisation, can you please point out all my "spelling" errors?



Having read this through a second time, I would suggest that he has used an internet translator,e.g altavista's babel fish. He has obviously done this in order to communicate and share his views, a commendable and very human endevour else why are we all on this chat board.

What is sad is that some were all to quick to denigrate him, the question that has to be asked is do any of you who jumped to destroy his grammatical stylings actually have a second langauage?

Probably not


film 29....I find your postings very clever and not at all "gay". Sarcasm as humor is rarely understood by those with English as their ONLY language and, I dare say, a poorly used ONLY language at that.

To get back to the original question by hst1981, my opinion is that Jack Black apologized at Cannes because the movie was panned by critics and didn't do well at the box office. He apparently didn't believe in the film enough to just let it be what it is which is a funny movie with some dumb parts. It isn't Shakespeare but it isn't Ishtar either.


Nor did it have Ashley Judd in it. Though I wouldn't mind a sequel with her in it, provided she gets sprayed with Vapoorize and disappears in the sequel!


Hey,isn't canne written Cannes?

If you want to change the subject...
