SHOOT it already!

If you have seen this movie you know what I am talking about. What a joke.


Accidentally saw it on Canal+ last night, and would not believe my own eyes - this has to be among the 5 worst films I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. The specieal fx had me laughing tears though :)


whats the deal about that, they should have made everyone a favor and shot it in the first sceen. . .


Haha, yeah I DO know what you're talking about. My god these people were stupid. Standing completely mesmerized by the guy in the rented gorilla outfit or even taunting him obviously seemed as a better idea at the time than actually pulling the trigger there and then and be done with it.


Well, I kind of enjoyed the film.

However, I was thinking that myself in the climax. Why doesn't she just shoot the thing? She has silver bullets. She knows she has to shoot it. So, why doesn't she?


Yes i do, yes i do! you are saying what i was thinking when i saw this movie.
You got the feeling that the director just wanted to make the movie longer. I'm sure the following dialogue went between the director and the producers:
Producers: Listen we want the movie to be 90 minutes.
Director: What?! I only have a story that can go for 30 minutes!
Producers: Well, we are sure you can come with something!!
I'm glad i didn't pay to watch this movie, the poor housemate did!


If I was being charitable I would say she was having to take her time aiming for the eye (remember the werewolf in this movie could only be dispatched with a silver bullet to the eye for some reason!).
We established Josie was not used to handling guns when the cop gave her the handgun and used a line pinched from 'Aliens'

To be honest though it looked like she was playing for time while the script writer thought up one of those clever & witty one-liners the movie hero/heroine says before killing the villain/monster. The irony is that no such line was ever forthcoming!


This movie had one saving grace: nudity. Besides that, its so f'in bad that its funny, especially the PS1 level CGI effects. Yeah, but I was yelling, like "Just shoot the f___ing thing!" while watching the end of this cinematic pile of werewolf droppings.


and let us not forget he spends the first half of the movie reloading a gun three times that he has never fired....


Agreed, the ending was quite hilarious.
