Hot Take: This one has the worst pacing

File this under unpopular opinion: The Curse of the Black Pearl has the worst pacing of all the Pirate movies. I’m not saying it’s the worst movie of the franchise, but I think it could have been greatly improved with some trimming for pacing sake. All these movies could be improved with the same thing (ironically I would say At World’s End is an exception and has the best pacing even though it’s the longest one, lol) but I just find the original to be the most affected by this issue.


You automatically become defunct, by saying at worlds end has better pacing. Though I'm talking out my arse, cause I never stayed awake through it. BLACK pearl is pretty sweet. Lags at points, never to be noticed thouhh


I think it's like a lot of movies where the pacing is fine on the first watch, but is off when rewatching.

A certain amount of storytelling and world building can be immersive the first time through, but when you already know what happens, then it can become tedious.
