Uh... could someone please help me?

I've been at this game for a few years now. Of course, I don't play it very often, but it still drives me crazy when I can't figure stuff out.

Well, I've found almost all the Triforce shards. I haven't found one or two charts, the ones that aren't actually on a square in the map? You know? I think I did find the one that the ship has, but there's still one off to the right side of the map (stage-left) and I can't figure out where it is. Could anyone help?

It would be greatly appreciated. I have wasted hours of my life trying in vain to find it.

Sickness will surely take the mime where mimes can't usually go.


I think I know what you need. Sail east(or NE or SE) from Forest Haven to one of the archipelagos that resemble a constellation in the sky. Eliminate some kargorok birds there so you can more freely control a seagull to tap all of the light bulbs on top of the tall spires. If you have hit them all, the gate will open up, and you can go inside for another Triforce map. I think it might be the archipelago that resembles the constellation of Orion.

Your world must have very dry literature.
