Ideas on where to take TLOZ

What was Nintendo thinking!? Really what was going through their minds? The game cube isn’t selling.
Nintendo can’t sake off their look a of a kiddie platform game system.
Today gamer is in more sophisticated Mature entity who like their game to refect that fact.
Link is easily the most respectable and relatable character that Nintendo has.
He brave. He’s kool. He’s edgily. He’s phat.
While no modern gamer would compare Mario to the likes of master chief.
He still has a soft stop for the warrior with the yellow hair.
Nintendo could have taking him to the next level and yet they had the brain storm of
“Hey lets make link a cartoon!”
Today’s gamer doesn’t want that you fools!
What they should do is take a look at the sort of games that sell and learn from them.

First up link needs a make-over. And we are not talking the new doctor who style of make-over.. I’m talking the new series of Battlestar Galactica make-over here.

The green tunic need to go. It’s to much of a costume.
Lets give him a street vibe.
Maybe some acid wash jeans perhaps with Hawaiian shirt. Something simple.

Also lose the sword. Who uses a sword any more? Swords are for girls. Give him something a MAN would use. How about a automatic pistol? Don’t you watch the news? Teenagers know their way around one of those….

Also today’s youth had likely never seen a horse in meatspace OR cyberspace. What the kids of today ride are cars and lots of them.
Instead of riding a horse around. the player should be open to a wide choice of cars.

Also no more stupid dungeons. The real world don’t work like that. Base the new game map on something that actually exist. Like a well know US city. And have the criminal underworld drive the plot instead of the usual generic fantasy quest.

Also the name link. Really? Lets Christian him some more down to earth like Tommy.

So we have modern setting. Cars instead of stupid horses. Mission driven gangster theme plot and guy call Tommy in a Hawaiian shirt packing heat……

is this future of the Legend of Zelda?
What do you guys think?


hahahaha. I really hope that you are being facetious


LOL - Great sarcastic post. Turn WW into GTA dammit!!

The post accurately reflects the mentality of the more rabid WW critics. Most of whom are a bunch of insecure adolescent boys who are in the stage of life where they are trying desperately to act like "grown ups" and thus reject out of hand anything that seems to remind of them the 'kiddie' image that are finally coming out of.

Meanwhile, I've found that WW evokes a sense of wonder and enjoyment that no other game I've seen has. There are a variety of technical and artistic reasons that wind waker is one of the most successful games in terms of conveying emotion to its' audience. Suffice to say, realism is not one of those reasons, nor should it be.


Hahaha, that was great. You had me going there for a while, I was actually getting mad. XD

I agree with phrenzy. The non-realism is what I love most about it. I play video games to get OUT of the real world, after all. Besides, the thought of Link in gangster clothes... what a horrible thought... *shudders*

"Finally free, finally strong, somewhere back where I belong."


Grand Theft Auto Hyrule

[#[_]#] Nintendo DS


Haha I love it


You DO know Zelda is set in MEDIEVEL times, and it's LEGEND OF ZELDA. NOT GRAND THEFT AUTO.

"What was Nintendo thinking!?"

More like what were YOU thinking?!

I'm LuvableBaka. I like to run around in circles! What do YOU like to do?


damn, youre really stupid.

sit down.

anyway. WW sucks ass. end of. im 18, i played WW, and to be honest, it felt saceligious toward the series to me. the fact the graphics became all trippy didnt help, on top of the TEDIOUS TEDIOUS TEDIOUS sailing portions that i actually found myself playing a game on my phone during.

hold on a second...

i had to find some other way to entertain myself...


anyone who thinks WW was good is simply a bleating sheep, simply hopeful for another, better, zelda title. twilight princess came. was seminal. STOP WHINING ABOUT WIND WAKER ITS SO ASS.

working in jobs we hate, just so we can buy *beep* we don't need.


i loved wind waker. it was mah first LoZ game. and yeah i played it couse of the cell shadeing, ive been able to play the other LoZ titles but if it wasnt for WWs cartoonish style i wouldnt have been drawn to the series.
and LoZ:GTA FTW!! lol that really sounds stupid but im sure some one is gonna make homebrew for it LOL

just u me + the doughnuts <3 SPENCER- SON


i see. yes but you are 14. or thereabouts. you weren't around for the N64 days- with OOT. it was just mindblowing. and i remember thinging MM was just as good; if not better. then WW came along and just pissed over all the good aspex of it. I HAD TO ENTERTAIN MYSELF WHILE PLAYING A GAME. because of the monotonous sailing which IS unavoidable, even with teleports, as they never take you directly to where you wanna be. sure, you have to do some travelling in TP, but its over land. land that isn't the SAME RENDERED TEXTURE. WW just felt like a linear version of ZELDA. except you choose which ISLAND you go to. and there's a lot of tedium inbetween. so you missed OOT. and picked up on WW. i pity you. OOT was an absolute love letter in gaming. WW was the mutant child i wish was never born in the series.

you'd understand if you were older and had been around for OOT.

working jobs we hate, so we can buy *beep* we don't need.


Um... I've played nearly every game in the series and this one is easily the most beautiful and the most visually appealing, which is exactly what it is supposed to be. It is my favorite in the series and if you don't have patience and an appreciation for visuals, then I am not surprised you can't recognize this amazing game :P


actualy no,ive played OOT and okay it WAS great for its time but that was like what 1996? its not the GREATEST ZELDA GAME OF ALL TIME

quit triening to kanye WW just because you didnt like the sailing, it was a good part of the game

just u me + the doughnuts <3 SPENCER- SON


I'm going to automatically presume that this is a joke topic .

But for the record, Wind Waker is one of my favorites in the series. No Zelda/GTA games .

