Ideas on where to take TLOZ
What was Nintendo thinking!? Really what was going through their minds? The game cube isn’t selling.
Nintendo can’t sake off their look a of a kiddie platform game system.
Today gamer is in more sophisticated Mature entity who like their game to refect that fact.
Link is easily the most respectable and relatable character that Nintendo has.
He brave. He’s kool. He’s edgily. He’s phat.
While no modern gamer would compare Mario to the likes of master chief.
He still has a soft stop for the warrior with the yellow hair.
Nintendo could have taking him to the next level and yet they had the brain storm of
“Hey lets make link a cartoon!”
Today’s gamer doesn’t want that you fools!
What they should do is take a look at the sort of games that sell and learn from them.
First up link needs a make-over. And we are not talking the new doctor who style of make-over.. I’m talking the new series of Battlestar Galactica make-over here.
The green tunic need to go. It’s to much of a costume.
Lets give him a street vibe.
Maybe some acid wash jeans perhaps with Hawaiian shirt. Something simple.
Also lose the sword. Who uses a sword any more? Swords are for girls. Give him something a MAN would use. How about a automatic pistol? Don’t you watch the news? Teenagers know their way around one of those….
Also today’s youth had likely never seen a horse in meatspace OR cyberspace. What the kids of today ride are cars and lots of them.
Instead of riding a horse around. the player should be open to a wide choice of cars.
Also no more stupid dungeons. The real world don’t work like that. Base the new game map on something that actually exist. Like a well know US city. And have the criminal underworld drive the plot instead of the usual generic fantasy quest.
Also the name link. Really? Lets Christian him some more down to earth like Tommy.
So we have modern setting. Cars instead of stupid horses. Mission driven gangster theme plot and guy call Tommy in a Hawaiian shirt packing heat……
is this future of the Legend of Zelda?
What do you guys think?