Cell phones cause a HUGE Plot Hole for this movie
I love, love, LOVE this movie, but the existence of cellphones makes for a huge, HUGE plot hole!
I know they're trying to redo "L'apartment", from 1996, eight years earlier before widespread cellphone use. But to do this effectively, they never should've shown any of them having cellphones in current day.
Why didn't Matt leave his cell number for Lisa at the bar? He left Luke's number instead. If they still wanted to incorporate cellphones, they could've shown Matt giving the cellphone back to Rebecca prior to his flight; most people didn't have international coverage back then, so he wouldn't have needed it.
They showed Matt's cellphone not working at Belluci's. At first I thought maybe his cellphone was broken, and that was the reason. But then Alex is shown not being able to get a signal when calling Lisa, so you draw the conclusion that nobody can get a cell signal inside the restaurant. (Spotty service was very common back then).
We should've just been led to believe it was mid 1990's (like the original) when VERY FEW people had cellphones. Sure people would've picked the movie apart based on the later model-year cars shown, but that's their problem. There probably wasn't budget to bring in all mid-1990's cars!
Also, Luke should've had an answering machine those two times (at least) that Lisa called. Matt had an answering machine two years earlier. They incorporated that well, with Alex having a key in order to delete Lisa's (9) messages.
I loved this movie, but in modern times, communication lapses like this just don't happen anymore. Also, two years earlier, Lisa most likely would've emailed Matt from Europe, even just to express her outrage and disappointment. People don't just break up in silence after that intense of a relationship.
I need to go watch the movie again, and also L'apartment, and I'll update this post accordingly.